Example sentences of "[noun pl] believe that [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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2 The outer space committee of the United Nations believes that remote-sensing satellites with a resolution of 25 m could be militarily useful .
3 But ministeres believe that custodial sentences would not provide a simple answer .
4 However hard a head or a governing body may try to remain outside the arena of competition , the insistence of parent interests and community awareness and the effect on even the price of houses in a local estate agent 's listings will continue to make sure that parents believe that clever children , as measured in the national assessment , are produced by good schools and by good teachers .
5 Conservatives believe that high standards in education and training are the key to personal opportunity and national success .
6 Such a version of pluralism would assert that pluralists believe that all citizens have a chance to become politically active through individual and group action .
7 Mindful of recent events in Dakar , these officials believed that Allied interests would best be served by maintaining a working relationship with Vichy administrators .
8 Many officials believed that these disturbances were prompted by needless interference with traditional society .
9 Individuals believe that these outcomes have positive value for them ( valence ) .
10 Some economists believe that most exporters are unprofitable at an exchange rate with the dollar of ¥115 or higher .
11 Until then the Greeks believed that recent events were unimportant compared with the exploits of the heroes in Trojan times .
12 An announcement that a firm is increasing its dividends is a good signal because it suggests that the managers believe that future earnings will be sufficient to sustain the higher level of dividends .
13 The researchers believe that supramolecular structures such as micelles will prove particularly useful for the study of autopoietic phenomena because they allow extensive variation in structural organisation and can thus have a higher degree of functional complexity , for example being able to act as hosts to guest molecules , such as enzymes .
14 Unfortunately some regulatory authorities believe that smaller dosages will increase the possibility of selecting for resistant pests ; the idea is that whereas large doses should kill everything stone dead , small doses allow marginally resistant individuals to survive and breed .
15 However , some experts believe that technical solutions are dealing only with the symptoms , not the causes of piracy .
16 Both the official and non-official élites believed that many charges were not true , but there was no agreement about the proportion of false cases , or about the number of crimes which were never reported .
17 But nurses of both sexes believe that male nurses receive more respect from doctors , according to James Hovey , a graduate nurse from the Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing in Cleveland , Ohio , who carried out the work .
18 The principal obstacle was Jackson ; as in Tokyo , Americans believed that Australian representatives were too radical in their political sympathies and that they worked against American policies .
19 The Soviets believed that similar principles might be possible in a German peace treaty .
20 The British Medical Association and the Royal College of Psychiatrists believe that eugenic grounds provide the main justification for a separate offence of incest .
21 We do not know yet what causes a cell to become cancerous but scientists believe that most causes are linked with our environments and how we live .
22 From that moment , all the island children believed that social workers could come and lift children from anywhere at any time .
23 The rebirthers believe that positive thoughts can have similar effects .
24 Many women believed that these reforms involved transforming the whole tenor of English public life and creating an ethical and moral climate founded on the teachings of religion .
25 His public standing rose by 18 points in public opinion polls immediately after Guzmán 's capture , and analysts believed that government-sponsored candidates now stood a good chance of commanding a majority in the Democratic Constituent Congress ( CCD ) to be elected on Nov. 22 [ see p. 39048 ] .
26 The organisers of the pools believe that huge jackpots are their best weapon in fighting the threat posed by a national lottery .
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