Example sentences of "[noun pl] live [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The relative lack of council housing has made this system more important : in 1948 34 per cent of farmworkers lived in tied housing , but by 1976 this figure had increased to 53 per cent .
2 In other words , these artists lived during Latin American 's formative years .
3 A favourite trip is to the woodland estate in the Bernauer Forest , north of the city , where the old communist politbureaucrats lived in pampered seclusion .
4 The animals live in matriarchal family groups of about a dozen to thirty individuals in which adult offspring remain as group members but do not breed under normal circumstances .
5 Exploiting the nationalist rhetoric that has been the hallmark of the Congress , Mr Yeltsin promised to support the 25 million Russians living in other Commonwealth states .
6 Exploiting the nationalist rhetoric that has been the hallmark of the Congress , Mr Yeltsin promised to support the 25 million Russians living in other Commonwealth states .
7 My parents lived in constant awareness of the big house and its occupants , and we children were imbued with the problem of what the squire and his household would think of any action or behaviour .
8 That still leaves at least 250m Indians living in abject poverty , but at least life appears to be getting a little better for the rest .
9 For many Arab people , their ambivalence about supporting Saddam Hussein is secondary to their desperate need to rid themselves of a system imposed by outside forces ; a system that enables a small ruling Arab elite to plunder the region 's resources , siphoning off cheap oil to the West , while millions of Arabs live in dire poverty , struggling to survive the economic blows dealt to the Arab nation by the West .
10 Moon rats live in swampy land , forest and cultivated areas , and in the latter have been known to gnaw the bark off young rubber trees .
11 Whatever the reasons , constantly growing numbers of lone parents live on supplementary benefit .
12 The highest concentrations of divorced people living with parents are to be found among men whose parents live in local authority accommodation .
13 Most lone parents live in rented accommodation and most of this is local authority owned :
14 But in the developing countries of Asia , Africa and Latin America , parents live in mortal fear of these diseases — and for very good reason .
15 Jerome was confident that even married apostles lived in mutual continence , after the example of their unmarried Lord and his ever virgin mother .
16 By 1976 53 per cent of farm workers lived in tied housing , compared with 34 per cent in 1948 .
17 They are fortunate that , for the most part , the increasing personal contact at work , the continuing isolation of farm workers from other occupational groups and the increasing proportion of workers living in tied housing out on the farms are providing opportunities for this identification to be retained , should farmers choose to cultivate it .
18 The increasing proportion of farm workers living in tied housing since the war is therefore partly accounted for by these changes in the rural housing market .
19 In addition , farmers can maintain a greater degree of social control over agricultural workers living in tied accommodation .
20 In most surveys , Scotland is also shown as having a very high proportion of workers living in tied accommodation — over 80 per cent in a number of counties .
21 No explanation was given , least of all to the thousands of workers living in converted railway wagons around the site .
22 Kuwait government and the people of Kuwait provided assistance to the Palestinians all over the world , including the Palestinians living in occupied land .
23 The Maronites are Greek-speaking Catholics living in Turkish-held territory , and as if that were not enough of a mixture , in order to maintain links with their Lebanese roots they hold their church services in Arabic .
24 Bryozoans found as fossils have calcium carbonate ( calcite ) skeletons that have a high chance of being preserved , and the fossil forms seem to have been exclusively marine ( some living bryozoans live in fresh water ) .
25 The thegns lived in increasing grandeur but in wooden halls rather than masonry villas ; although tapestried and heated by a central fire they must have been both dirty and draughty .
26 In his report Living in Debt , produced by Birmingham Settlement Money Advice Services , John Brady showed how families lived under tremendous stress , which increased as the situation worsened .
27 This research is designed to contribute to the understanding of the role of social psychological aspects of income in the experience and mental and physical health of families living on low income .
28 Finally , certain vulnerable groups were most affected by these changes , notably black families living in inner city deprived areas .
29 The Audit Commission has said that if all authorities did as well as the average , significant reductions could be made in the number of families living in temporary accommodation .
30 He collected systematically the impressions of school board visitors , who were closely acquainted with poorer families , as to the number of families living in discernible poverty .
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