Example sentences of "[noun pl] as far as [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the summary table the tasks are briefly described in words as far as possible .
2 Local authorities now support elderly people in their own homes as far as possible , or in the local authority homes in the areas in which they live , so that they may be near to relatives and friends and their old associations .
3 Despite the school 's stated intention to involve parents as far as possible , I seriously doubted whether Mr or Mrs Singh would be capable or prepared to enter into the kind of partnership the school envisaged .
4 The final four columns of Table 11.1 give details of the financial position of the companies as far as this could be discerned from published data .
5 When you have filled all the gaps as far as possible , you can start work on the insulating wall .
6 The broad lines of advice had in fact already been established : the deflection of arterial traffic from built-up areas as far as practicable ; failing this , traffic should be either elevated or sunken when passing through urban areas ; vehicles , cyclists and pedestrians should be segregated on important traffic routes ; frontage access should be restricted ; fly-over crossings should be provided .
7 While such views are common doctrine in grammars as far as finite forms are concerned , it will be proposed here that a support or person is also present in the infinitival form of the verb , even though the latter can neither be predicated grammatically of a subject nor take any personal endings .
8 You put yourself into cold storage for two years as far as any kind of political practice goes and just sit and think — and do n't forget you 'll get paid £5000 a year to sit and think about the purity of the struggle we 're all fighting back here . ’
9 This is the moment which humankind must accept as the beginning of all things as far as human life is concerned .
10 My approach is to research the zoology of the various creatures , the ecology , chemistry , and physical properties of the sea , and then try to mimic these conditions as far as possible in a home aquarium .
11 The seller will of course wish to restrict these conditions as far as possible and sometimes the conditions are restricted to events which fundamentally affect the business or value of the offeree and which can not be adequately compensated by an offer of financial or other compensation which the seller may be prepared to make .
12 Care budgets devolved to Social Work Practice Teams as far as possible .
13 The Department of the Environment ( DoE , the central government department with overall responsibility for local government in England ) was , he says , trapped into the position of being both the advocate of local services within the centre and the guardian of the purse-strings as far as local government was concerned ( in that respect the Secretary of State acted as a sort of ‘ mini chancellor ’ ) ( Rhodes , 1986 , p. 238 ) .
14 The idea has its parallel in the ever-higher smoke stacks and ever-longer sewage outfalls which were designed to export pollution problems as far as possible from their source .
15 The idea has its parallel in the ever-higher smoke stacks and ever-longer sewage outfalls which were designed to export pollution problems as far as possible from their source .
16 At the same time the government did not push its reforms as far as some supporters wished ; it did not , for example , place the onus on union members to contract in rather than out of paying the political levy and has done little to break down national wage bargaining which pays little attention to different local labour market conditions .
17 When the Government are re-elected , they will enable the Milk Marketing Board to carry forward those proposals as far as possible through the Commission and through the House .
18 Alternatively , policy-making elites may choose to co-opt organized interest groups into compliance with government policies as far as possible by creating sham ‘ corporatist ’ institutions and ideologies .
19 Where the reading skill required is that of interpreting such things as labels and road signs , they should pursue the normal targets and programmes as far as possible for their own safety , though they may need help where practicable to interpret these things through other than ordinary visual means .
20 So try to maintain normal meals at normal mealtimes , and normal sleeping patterns as far as possible .
21 Dyson-Hudson ( 1984 ) has also commented that since c. 1970 the equivalent of $US600 million has been given as development funds to Africa 's rangelands but has brought few rewards as far as more efficient and productive pastoralism is concerned .
22 If you 're going on a long journey alone , plan your route in advance using main roads as far as possible .
23 Social workers really do need to take a stand alongside the old person involved listening and respecting the expressed wishes as far as possible .
24 This chapter aims to reflect the reality of interdisciplinary contacts while maintaining that the pivot for the development of early learning opportunities for all children is educational and that , therefore , the ‘ lead department ’ in local authorities as far as under-fives ( including of course special needs ) is , or ought legitimately to be , education .
25 Where contact with the organized public is necessary or unavoidable , steps are taken to retain the organizational initiative in the hands of the governmental authorities as far as possible , and to associate with people of like attitude rather than with those who are considered to be ‘ uncooperative ’ , ‘ militant ’ , ‘ extremist ’ for example .
26 They could save their pennies as far as this one is concerned .
27 Its long-term prospects as far as mass marketing is concerned are still uncertain and will depend upon the ability of airlines to keep their prices down and upon relative exchange rate movements , both of which disproportionately affect this sector .
28 Sperms are too small to contain mitochondria , so mitochondria travel exclusively down the female line , and male bodies are dead ends as far as mitochondrial reproduction is concerned .
29 These 10 practices were selected to match the controls as far as possible in terms of practice size , location , and main provider unit .
30 Faced with drought , the Las Vegas Valley Water District has made 146 applications for access to 26 underground basins as far as 250 miles away and as much as 1,000 feet below the surface .
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