Example sentences of "[noun pl] which [vb base] upon [art] " in BNC.

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1 The project investigates the development , during the school years , of communication skills which depend upon the interaction between participants during conversation .
2 The research will take a case study approach looking at : aeronautics , nuclear propulsion , missilery , avionics , information technologies , telecommunications , and aircraft propulsion ; areas which build upon the researchers previous work .
3 We both are ready and willing to shoulder the responsibilities and duties which fall upon the rich and powerful nations of the world .
4 ‘ As to the rest , we would be stupid to appoint you in command if we intended to ignore your direction , however , you must agree to submit to Alexei , s will in all things which touch upon the aims of our embassy . ’
5 For one distinguished American musicologist , the decision of some English scholars and musicians to draw the secular polyphony of Machaut and Dufay into the English a cappella tradition constitutes an ‘ English a cappella heresy ’ , but that phrase may sound rather strangely in a British ear ; it appears to imply that songs by Machaut and Dufay , for example , are best performed within the tradition of the ‘ early-music group , employing instruments reconstructed on the basis of meagre evidence while using musical techniques which draw upon no established tradition of pedagogy and which retain a tinge of 19605 experimentalism and superficial multiculturalism .
6 Naturally such an arrangement would be politically most acceptable to Moscow and Washington where the balance of local forces which bear upon a conflict appear to be stalemated and where the interests of the superpowers are not greatly asymmetrical .
7 Such issues which touch upon the merits can no more be avoided under option four than under option two ; both options address many of the same issues , and face the same problems .
8 In doing so , the counsellor has to look at the family dynamic with a particular emphasis on those factors which impinge upon the life of the ageing family member , but to be seen as anything other than impartial , particularly when there is jealousy and conflict within the family group , can lead to a lack of trust and the possible withdrawal of co-operation and participation by some family members .
9 The object of this research is to further consider material , collected in 1980/81 from residents and staff in a representative sample of local authority homes throughout England with a view to developing a multivariate model of the factors which impinge upon the daily lives of those who live and work in old people 's homes .
10 The empirical evaluation of teaching/learning activities does not aim at the exact specification of causes but at increased awareness of different factors which bear upon the learning process in particular classrooms .
11 This makes the counselling task even more difficult to interpret , but even within this complicated network of family systems , aspects of the wider , extended family unit will still be evident , perhaps comprising a number of separate systems which interact upon the way that the provision of care for older relatives is organized .
12 Both DGXII ( Science , R&D ) and DGXI ( Environment ) have schemes which touch upon the heritage .
13 ‘ Their priority will be to make acquisitions which build upon the existing core businesses in the UK and US . ’
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