Example sentences of "[noun pl] at the far [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But the drinkers at the far end of the garden were gone .
2 Jackson Chatterton had appeared in canary yellow pyjamas at the far end of the stateroom .
3 They looked like some great beast with gaping mouth and hungry eyes , then I caught a movement over near the great elms at the far side of the common .
4 Corbett grabbed a groom who was trying to lead a horse to the stables at the far end of the bailey but the fool could not understand him and Corbett simply drew a blank look , followed by a shrug and muttered curses .
5 Petion waved in reply , and called the message down the line towards the Marines at the far end of the docks .
6 He went back to the oven and poured the remains of the Hun tun into the bowl , spooning it down quickly , then took bowls and basin outside , locking the door behind him , going to the washrooms at the far end of the corridor .
7 It seemed a silly thing to cheer about and Anna remained sitting on the floor until a group of older boys appeared with musical instruments which they took to a bank of seats at the far end .
8 A woman in her forties was busily scrubbing tables at the far end .
9 In we went , into curtained-off quarters at the far end of the longhouse .
10 Seeing movement among the trees at the far end of the stone-flagged path , she turned and signalled to the maids to be quiet .
11 But this time it seemed he really meant it , because as we turned into get another street I could see iron railings and trees at the far end .
12 Dorcas pointed to the shadows at the far end of the shed , where she could just make out something big and indistinct .
13 This was formerly the ceramic market and there are still a few potters ' stalls at the far end near Charles Bridge .
14 The room was permeated by a fresh bitter odour of crushed fern , which combined pleasingly with a heady floral scent being exuded by fragranced fountains at the far end of the room .
15 ‘ There was no time , ’ he said curtly , walking across the deep-pile carpet towards the wide floor-to-ceiling windows at the far side of the large room .
16 She could see French windows at the far end of the room .
17 There was someone there … a figure in grey , half lit by the floodlight entering through one of the leaded glass windows at the far end of the Shelf …
18 He examined the long split-level room stretching away from him to the tall windows at the far end .
19 Another powerful smell , of decaying rubbish , came mainly from the ash-pits at the far end of the corridor , but also from a deposit scattered over the floor .
20 I thanked him for his cheering thought and walked over to interrupt Barry who was involved with a small group of well-heeled tourists at the far end of the bar .
21 Looking out of the window on this pleasant Sunday afternoon , she smiled as she saw the three children engaged in various activities at the far end of the garden .
22 Meg was busy trying on hats at the far side of the room , the android assistant standing beside her at the mirror , a stack of round , candy-striped boxes in her arms .
23 There was a table and two wooden chairs at the far end by the slop buckets .
24 They were seated at the breakfast bar in the kitchen , and she pointed to a row of cereal boxes at the far side of the room .
25 They were boys of fifteen or sixteen and they were watching her keenly from a position by the railings at the far corner of the church .
26 After a while , Clelia appeared , from one of the doors at the far end of the hall .
27 There was a banging on the great doors at the far end of the room .
28 Through the doors at the far end , Nuadu caught the whirring sound of the Looms .
29 A few seconds later the doors at the far end of the room opened and a man in a white jacket pushed a laden trolley into the room .
30 He put the light on , and the four inmates at the far end set up their whickering and pawing at the prospect of food , as usual .
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