Example sentences of "[noun pl] be told [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 THE right to roam should be enshrined in Swedish-style legislation , Scottish ramblers were told at the weekend .
2 It is understood that early this year both local gardai and Catholic Church officials were told of the allegations ; the health board became involved and the priest received counselling .
3 Many things are told to the reader throughout the novel through conversation or through reading something such as the reading of the tombstone which tells us of the death of Pip 's parents .
4 The original exhibition 's UK tour , planned for January , was abandoned when the organisers were told by the DTI that a UN embargo suspended cultural exchanges and visits between UN nations and Serbia or Montenegro .
5 And I remember an earlier epoch when the geologists were told by the physicists , including the great Lord Kelvin himself , that they were foolish to postulate so many millions of years for earth history , when it could easily be calculated from classic physics that this was quite impossible .
6 Many romantic tales are told of the king 's subsequent wanderings .
7 Members were told by the chief environmental health officer , Hugh O'Neill , last night , that he feared there were still aspects which suggested there could be radio-active emissions from the plant .
8 Shareholders were told at the Bournemouth-based group 's annual meeting yesterday that January reservations were 9.4 per cent up on last year 's and that this month , a 41-unit development was sold to a housing association .
9 The following morning , after the attack , the police were told about the abandoned Zodiac dinghy and also given the number of the camper van .
10 None of the children were told about the wedding in advance and the first Charles knew of his new stepmother was when the headmaster of his prep school informed him
11 Women are told about the service when they have contact with the child protection team .
12 In order to prepare further for the forthcoming conference , the Commonwealth Prime Ministers were told of the US-UK discussions at their meeting in May 1944 .
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