Example sentences of "[noun pl] to believe [conj] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Because of this certain ideas have passed into critical legend ; Wordsworth 's own Preface has encouraged modern readers to believe that the reading public of the 1790s were completely unprepared for the new poetry , and that Lyrical Ballads was a complete failure from the point of view of communication and also of financial success .
2 There is a tendency also for staff in the most senior positions to believe that the review changes priorities , improves staff communication and leads to in-service training , whereas their more junior colleagues are much less sure .
3 There are , however , at least three good reasons to believe that the gloom over jobs is overdone .
4 There are , however , good reasons to believe that the Earth 's radius has not increased significantly during the past 500 Ma or so .
5 There are reasons to believe that the association may be a primary affect of drug treatment , which could mediate some of the pathological changes associated with NSAID use rather than a secondary consequence of these changes .
6 Poor local election results led FDP leaders to believe that an alliance with the CDU was now more desirable and on 17 September they left the coalition .
7 There was in fact retaliation in any case , and it might even be argued that this silence on the part of the radio — which everyone knew to be under government control — actually encouraged angry Luos to believe that a Kikuyu conspiracy existed within the Government .
8 It is this which has led some commentators to believe that the Eurocurrency market could create inflation within the US economy should large sums of Eurodollars be spent in the US by transformation , as it were , into domestic dollars .
9 I have difficulty from time to time in persuading some of my colleagues to believe that a boy not yet 21 could amass so much experience in such a short time ; he had completed two tours and looked like completing a third .
10 Benn 's willingness to encourage the Romanians to believe that a way could be found to sell high technology to a Warsaw Pact state was ardent indeed .
11 In a world where physiognomy was a respected practice , Leapor 's appearance may have given the Chauncys grounds to believe that the kitchen maid really was a person of no significance and that she ought to learn her station .
12 It is necessary to apply s. 1(3) which states : An occupier of premises owes a duty to another ( not being his visitor ) in respect of any such risk as is referred to in subsection ( 1 ) if — ( a ) he is aware of the danger or has reasonable grounds to believe it exists ; ( b ) he knows or has reasonable grounds to believe that the other is in the vicinity of the danger concerned or that he may come into the vicinity of the danger ( in either case whether the other has lawful authority for being in that vicinity or not ) ; and ( c ) the risk is one against which , in all the circumstances of the case , he may reasonably be expected to offer the other some protection .
13 At the time when he calls for the actor to desist , the constable must already have reasonable grounds to believe that an offence has occurred .
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