Example sentences of "[noun pl] introduced [prep] the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 It can not therefore have failed to become an important centre in its own right after the administrative changes introduced in the fourth century and it may have been promoted to the rank of civitas capital , although there is no evidence for the civitas over which it would have ruled .
2 However , both Sir David Plastow , the Vickers chairman , and Peter Ward , the Rolls-Royce Motors chairman and chief executive , insist that the gloom has been overdone and that structural changes introduced in the last year have made the company leaner and more efficient .
3 The Institutional Shareholders ' Committee suggested that information relating to the proportion of current sales attributable to products introduced in the last three to five years would , with other data , provide a helpful indication of the return earned on R&D .
4 Compared with the compensation payments introduced during the first stage of price liberalization , these went up from 750 lei to 2,100 lei per month for workers , and from 400 lei to 1,470 lei for pensioners , while there were also increases in child benefits , maternity benefits and student grants .
5 Sealink and P&O , with an estimated 80% share of the short-route ferry market , are pinning their hopes for the future on large capacity super-ferries and changes in manning procedures introduced after the last seamen 's strike .
6 All the courses introduced during the first phase of the Advanced Courses Development Programme were devised and submitted by single centres .
7 When implemented this will complete the initiatives introduced by the first General Directive .
8 The second section shows how the laws introduced in the first section can transform every finite program to a form whose only constructs are IF , ALT , multiple assignment and unc ( the diverging process ) .
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