Example sentences of "[noun pl] to show [conj] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In this typical example of scientific doublespeak , the burden of proof is , as usual , thrown on to conservationists to show that a fishing technique has an unacceptable effect , rather than on the fishing nations to show that the method is ecologically sound .
2 In order to prove the commercial value of his coal reserves in the Rhondda valley , he initiated steps to show that the steam coal of the valley lay at exploitable depths , an act which led to the astounding growth of the Rhondda .
3 Starting with halogen attack on simple hydrocarbons , Gilchrist used various models to show that the shape and flexibility of molecules affect the type of attack .
4 What it did was to produce complex mathematical calculations to show that the risk of their happening was so remote as to be discountable .
5 In this typical example of scientific doublespeak , the burden of proof is , as usual , thrown on to conservationists to show that a fishing technique has an unacceptable effect , rather than on the fishing nations to show that the method is ecologically sound .
6 You may well be wondering why I have taken such pains to show that the Spirit of God , his active intervention on the human scene which took such varied forms in the Old Testament , became concentrated in the person of Jesus the Messiah , and then was poured out by him upon the messianic community .
7 Because of the capitalist 's desire for profit and wealth Marx develops a number of arguments to show that the system can not survive .
8 This will take place in five stages : — orientation interviews , to select the texts and to establish the communicative context ; — initial analysis of texts which will focus on linguistic features likely to indicate relations between disciplines ; — directed interviews with the participants which will allow them to comment on the details of the analysis ; — comparison of texts from different locations and situations to show if a pattern of features is merely peculiar to one writer or if it may have general social significance .
9 In this period the view of popular culture as degenerate and threatening came to be tempered by new pressures upon English academics to show that the discipline embodied a sense of social responsibility .
10 The desire of biblical literalists to show that the story could have been history acted as a spur to the study of zoogeography , even though the eventual , and ironic , outcome was that they sank their own ship .
11 Guy Linley-XXXX Adams , pollution officer of the Marine Conservation Society , commented that : " We are pleased that the onus of proof is now on the makers and users to show that the disinfectants are safe , rather than on us to demonstrate that they might be harmful . "
12 Finally , in 1973 , David Robinson at Kings College , London , used Carter 's and my results to show that the conjecture had been correct : such a black hole had indeed to be the Kerr solution .
13 In most of these cases , the tests to show that the reaction really is an allergic one have not been carried out .
14 I trust I have provided enough reasons to show that the use of the phrase ‘ pain in animals ’ is so indefinable that it is meaningless to animals and to those who have the well-being of animals at heart .
15 They wanted examples and cases to show that the institutions of capitalism are historically specific and therefore changeable ; in order to demonstrate this they looked for examples of institutions which were as different from those of capitalism as possible .
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