Example sentences of "[noun pl] believe that [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Both speakers believe that active government intervention in the housing market is now urgently needed before things get even worse .
2 Many City pundits believe that new debt to equity ratios indicate how confident companies are about investments .
3 Although this involves the use of rather advanced techniques compared with the running of simple transfers and dubs , many enthusiasts believe that this type of editing is essential to the making of ‘ real ’ movies , and look on it as the key creative element in their video activities .
4 Some economists believe that this kind of market mechanism is the most effective way of reducing pollution .
5 Many observers believe that this outcome would not have happened if BA had not been privatised as such a dominant carrier in the UK , but others argue that this claim is irrelevant and that world competition is what matters ; BA and BCal were both relatively small on the world stage , but might have been able to compete effectively in a merged form .
6 Authors of such reforms believe that greater diversity could be achieved by imposing restrictions on rules of ownership , by imposing levies on advertising revenue so as to create a pool of funds for alternative publications , and generally by controlling free-market forces .
7 Around the world , many cultures believe that any harm done to a dolphin may cause ill-fortune or sickness .
8 Hong Kong authorities believe that most boat people will acquiesce rather than violently resist attempts to send them back to Vietnam , but this apparent passivity can be deceptive .
9 Despite a range of domestic environmental controls introduced under the auspices of the state Environment Agency over the past 20 years , critics believe that industrial success and economic growth continue to take precedence over concerns such as imports of tropical timber , the use of controversial drift-nets by Japanese fishing fleets , and continuing industrial pollution of land and sea .
10 Regional terminals will also be developed although many critics believe that British Rail 's plans in this area are over-cautious .
11 Many scholars believe that this interpretation is not original and was not given by Jesus .
12 Some scholars believe that this story is more theological than historical .
13 Many scholars believe that this miracle has the same root as the calming of the storm .
14 SCIENTISTS believe that cancer-causing radon gas may be a health risk in 3,000 homes in Wales responsible for 110 lung cancer deaths a year .
15 We see here a tendency to equate any change with ‘ reductionism ’ , whereas those who want to see women ordained as priests believe that this change will bring about an enrichment of the traditional pattern of ministry , without in any way altering its essential features .
16 But many environmentalists believe that that argument is simply a red herring .
17 Others believe that explicit teaching or learning of language structure is unnecessary .
18 Others believe that light jogging is superior because it stimulates blood flow to the legs , reduces muscle tightness and preserves fitness , says
19 The government has introduced new restrictions on the use of national park land in the event of privatisation but Opposition , and some Conservative , MPs believe that tougher planning controls are needed to enable the national park authorities to block damaging development .
20 ARCHAEOLOGISTS believe that priceless information about the past has been lost in the severe storms which battered Orkney earlier this year .
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