Example sentences of "[noun pl] to come [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Expert systems are the first commercial products to come from the world of Artificial Intelligence research .
2 They merely pave the way for an increasing proportion of those emissions to come from the burning of imported coal .
3 The Moon was one of the first objects to come under the scrutiny of the newly-invented telescope .
4 Or , as Niall Fitzduff put it , the community ‘ is not to be destroyed at the whim of mining company ’ while nothing could ‘ compensate us or the generations to come for the loss of our community ’ .
5 With the housing market still struggling to recover , the Bonners may not be moving in the very near future — but it 's rare for follies to come on the market , especially ones you can live in — so it may not be long before a buyer comes along keen to take up residence in Enoch 's Tower .
6 They waited tea for another twenty minutes , before Beth addressed the two impatient children with the solemn words , ‘ If the others do n't have the good manners to come to the table at the proper time , then we 'll start without them . ’
7 Meanwhile , the NSF-controlled radio and television services had been calling its supporters to come to the square ; some were brought by lorry , and by mid-evening they had forced the anti-NSF demonstrators , now outnumbered , to retreat from the Square .
8 The effect here is that during the last five years the Conservatives have played no part in the management of this county whatsoever , and it has been left to the other two parties to come to an agreement .
9 Of the more than fifty books to come from the press , there is no doubt that the finest was his Chaucer of 1896 , reckoned by many to be the greatest book printed in England since Caxton , of which he printed 425 copies with an additional thirteen on vellum .
10 Clearly , training that allows the subjects to come to the task with these associations ready formed will be of help ; and equally clearly , reversed pre-training will have just the opposite effect .
11 The twenty-six signatories invited their fellow traders to come to the Crown and Anchor Tavern in the Strand on Thursday 9 May .
12 Anger : in many ways anger is the most powerful of the emotions to come to the surface in early recovery .
13 SOME shock results on the first day of the French Olympic classes regatta at Hyeres yesterday showed that there could still be plenty of surprises to come in the race for British team selection .
14 It is understood that the UK Prime Minister , John Major , is urging the heads of other G7 countries to come to an agreement which would effectively " plug the gap " .
15 An appeal by Landsbergis for Lithuanians to come to the defence of parliament was answered by several thousand people who formed a cordon around the building .
16 Dowty Electrics in Kingsditch Lane in Cheltenham is one of the companies to come under the hammer , the other , Dowty Weapons Systems at Churchdown near Gloucester .
17 Now those were the issues that were leading us sir had left us to make an objection to this structure plan that we thought erm the detailed papers on it were sent to the county in our in our objections , they led us to by a series of calculations to come to the view that around about a hundred hectares would be more appropriate for Harrogate , this is in addition to its Greater York supplement , erm than what is now settled upon which is sixty hectares .
18 The bacterium is difficult to grow and it may be necessary to biopsy one of the lesions to come to the diagnosis .
19 Reported to include a pair of airworthy Skyraiders , along with a collection of 26 restorable aircraft , plus a large aero engine collection , spares holdings , automobiles , tools and equipment , this must be one of the largest ‘ one man ’ collections to come under the hammer in recent years .
20 The failure of ants to come to the rescue of an infested colleague may be the result of the mite successfully mimicking the smell of an ant larva .
21 If the map of Leicestershire were a face it would have a few small pimples on its chin and they would take fifty years to come to a head .
22 I rang the bells for the different years to come to the hall .
23 Poland had been trapped in a time capsule , and try as it might to struggle free , the parameters of its political and spiritual life had been set firm for years to come by the humiliation of invisibility .
24 We sat on the sand and waited for the placings to come over the Tannoy .
25 The next night , before going to bed , Gabriel called his two dogs to come into the house for the night .
26 An appeal can also be made if the council takes more than eight weeks to come to a decision — this is called an appeal against non-determination .
27 Fund-holding GPs in the first year were less afraid to switch contracts to better units or consultants , could make more flexible contracts , demand more attention , and use their funds to encourage consultants to come to the surgery rather than rely on patients to go to outpatients in the hospital .
28 The men from Saatchi and Saatchi have been doing their best in the glossy mags with the slogan ‘ there 's a lot of Glasgoing on in 1990 ’ — but yesterday provided the taste of things to come in a city which has borne more than its fair share of music hall humour and Billy Connolly .
29 ON the golf course , 1989 was a vintage to declare and may well be the source of good things to come in the publishing world .
30 I want a thousand pounds to come through the door now .
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