Example sentences of "[noun pl] to carry [adv] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The sketch for the Upper Pond , part of Brown 's great natural parkland at Petworth , was discovered in the Petworth archives some years ago but the backlog of work on the estate and the disastrous storm of 1987 which destroyed thousands of trees delayed plans to carry out the design .
2 Both the bid for Channel Five and plans for the new Teleport to be operated at South Gyle , carrying signals for both Television and Telecommunications via satellite , cable and fibre optic lines , are well advanced and require the continued integration of technologies to carry on the task of promoting Edinburgh as a centre of excellence in the new media .
3 Personnel to carry out the Quality Auditor role are currently being identified : it is intended that they will be trained to IQA Lead Assessor standards .
4 And where they are legal , the operations require sophisticated equipment and highly-trained personnel to carry out the switch within 24 hours .
5 I am not sure about the precise details , but I do believe than when Great-Grandfather Tallentire became old and decided to retire he refused to allow his sons to carry on the licence .
6 She hesitated momentarily before she said , ‘ I hope it will be someone with sons to carry on the property .
7 Could you not use the drama teachers in those schools to carry out the kind some of this kind of marketing as well .
8 Margaret Llewelyn Davies was adamant that in no circumstances would the Guild surrender its independence and the branches raised sufficient funds to carry on the Guild 's work until a compromise was reached four years later .
9 Glen resigned from Annan in November 1816 ; his discouragement was partly caused by the friction created in trying to raise sufficient funds to carry on the work of the congregation .
10 At some point we need administrators to carry out the will of the people .
11 Held , dismissing the appeal , that the power to make an order under section 236 of the Insolvency Act 1986 was not confined to documents which could be said to be necessary to reconstitute the state of the company 's knowledge , even if that might be one of the purposes most clearly justifying the making of an order , but extended to all documents which the administrator reasonably required to see to carry out his functions ; that the applicant had to satisfy the court that after balancing all the relevant factors , there was a proper case for making the order ; that since the information sought was necessary to enable the administrators to carry out the administration and production of the documents did not impose an unnecessary and unreasonable burden on the accountants , the registrar 's order despite its width , was proper in the exceptional circumstances ( post , pp. 855E–H , 860C–D , 862D–E , G–H , 863D , 864E ) .
12 The Inland Revenue said that it did not have enough workers to carry out the revaluation in England and Wales , so from that date there were no revaluations of property .
13 Nevertheless , by ‘ obey ’ Paul is not referring to servile obedience to an authoritarian master , but an injunction to workers to carry out the job an employer has for them to accomplish .
14 Although all but 78 paratroop snipers were killed , the Australians were forced to surrender within four days , leaving the 2/2 Independent Company and some Dutch troops to carry on the fight 160 miles ( 257km ) to the east at Dili .
15 Er and seek good qualified er Consultants to carry out the work which could be deliberated on by the various Committees of the County Council and the District and that work has been done and I think if I saw anything Chairman from the meeting on the twenty second of December at St Albans , it was that form very first time three political parties took up the policy and they started to address particular issues er er er we believe less measures partaken .
16 During the successive rounds of these twin controversies Baldwin used with remarkable freedom the House of Commons as well as public platforms to carry on the debate within his own party .
17 Do you have the necessary resources to carry out the workflow analysis and business process re-engineering ?
18 In the first case a series of functional departments , each with its own manager and dedicated to one or more specific disciplines , provide the knowledge and resources to carry out the range of activities needed to develop the new product .
19 Alongside resolutions on Russia and Peace , the Convention called for the immediate restoration of civil liberties , and for the establishment of all-inclusive local committees to carry forward the agitation — provocatively named Workers ' and Soldiers , Councils .
20 In well-run firms , the right of the continuing partners to carry on the practice will be expressly recognised and the partnership agreement will contain detailed provisions as to the entitlements of outgoing partners ( Clause 20 ) .
21 The goal of the group , according to Tim Newell of OSTP , is to propose specific ways to carry out the president 's technology initiative announced in February , but the group is also expected to make recommendations for programmes to be included in the budget for fiscal year 1995 that will be submitted to Congress next winter .
22 It became a rule of the ‘ Carry On ’ outfit that everything had to be filmed within spitting distance of Pinewood — and there were real sergeants to carry on the business of teaching them what life in the Army was like .
23 There had been no guard rails and the men had had no experience or instructions to carry out the job .
24 In its place , the government is to set up a " new wide ranging review " of how local authorities could help clear up polluted sites , and of whether they had adequate powers and finances to carry out the task .
25 The drought had aggravated the effluent problem as the company was forced to rent tankers to carry away the effluent which was an even more costly , though temporary , solution .
26 Civil servants are employed to assist ministers to carry on the business of government .
27 As a first step you might refuse the plastic bags that are thrust upon you at the supermarket check-out and use boxes to carry home the food .
28 The reports , first published in the New York Times , revealed that US investigators now believed that Ahmed Jabril , leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command ( PFLP-GC ) , had paid Libyan agents to carry out the bombing of the Pan American World Airways ( Pan Am ) Boeing 747 flight PA 103 .
29 If musical politics now involves a constantly shifting ‘ war of position ’ , Adorno helps us to understand the enemy , but it is Benjamin who is more able to offer the tools to carry on the struggle .
30 It is a natural development to use further reservoirs or special settling tanks to carry on the process of clarification , to remove substantially all the solids in suspension .
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