Example sentences of "[noun pl] to live [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And , in a fascinating study , Carol Barnes , whose earlier research includes the correlations between ageing , learning and LTP mentioned in the previous paragraph , has allowed rats to live in the type of enriched environment typical of the experiments of Rosenzweig , Bennett and Diamond described in Chapter 6 .
2 With the Tunnel , you can commute to the City from France faster than from , say , Wiltshire or Dorset — which are the in places to live at the moment .
3 Third World rural economies were brought into the global system by making it more difficult for their populations to live outside the market , thus forcing them to produce crops that could be sold , as opposed to producing crops that they themselves consumed .
4 In other words , the continuing fall in the demand for labour on farms has prompted a growing proportion of even the locals to live in the village and work in towns .
5 Some people have moved out of towns to live in the countryside , sometimes adopting a second part-time job in the rural area , while many inhabitants of rural areas have been able to obtain jobs in towns .
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