Example sentences of "[noun pl] live [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In other countries , the indigenous peoples live in a state of siege .
2 In such an approach all individual elements live within a tree structure as shown in Figure 5.2 .
3 Even if most people will at some time in their lives live in a family which does conform to the cereal-packet image , they will also necessarily spend much of their lives outside it .
4 The worms live under a layer of mucus in the stomach wall .
5 Extended families live in a group of houses ( a compound ) connected by a single outer wall , and surrounded by their farmland .
6 My cousins live amongst a community of some fifty Theosophists .
7 The press in the GDR , not counting local periodicals and special interest magazines , is largely controlled by the party , though this matters little because almost all East Germans live on a diet of information provided by West German television and radio .
8 But other marsupials live in a way that would make such an exposed method of transport positively lethal .
9 THERE is a growing school of thought among soccer 's terrace fraternity , highlighted in last week 's special Echo investigation into the state of the game , that many football clubs live in a fantasy world .
10 They tell little lies to get themselves out of trouble or make themselves look good , but real villains live in a fantasy world .
11 Children live in a sub-culture of their own .
12 Invariably the children live in a street where they are ‘ different ’ to their contemporaries .
13 Food — The Shannies live on a diet of frozen fine mussel , mysis shrimp , brine shrimp , gamma fish , clam and bloodworm .
14 A small survey among campesina women living in the eastern part of the country , one of the poorest areas , suggested that women live in a state verging on terror during pregnancy , fearing death , or at least a permanent decline in their general level of health .
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