Example sentences of "[noun pl] to give [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Tass confirmed on Sept. 18 , 1989 , that two Japanese journalists had been selected , in line with a $12,000,000 agreement made in March 1989 with the Tokyo TBS television network , as candidates to give the first space broadcast from Mir at an unspecified date in 1991 , despite earlier protests from Soviet journalists that the decision was unpatriotic .
2 Although the tournament was based on a knock-out scenario , the final positions are based on league performances to give a fairer reflection .
3 He closed his own eyes to give a silent prayer of relief that his own son had never wanted to ride a machine like this .
4 This method was in fact implemented to establish its characteristics and for comparison with other methods , by building the tree as usual , and then pruning the branches to give the required structure as in figure 3.10 .
5 These feature non-vibratory massaging ‘ fingers ’ which softly manipulate the flesh in gently circular movements to give a natural massage .
6 The patio was bounded on the road side by a high flint wall which , to the south and east , curved to little more than four feet to give an unimpeded view across the headland to the sea .
7 Each bundle is then clipped with garden shears to give a clean cut .
8 In the first , he dug scallop-shaped beds housing 250 herbaceous plants to give a cottagey look and , in the second , he has created a mini-woodland with a bark path and a miniature pond surrounded by peat blocks for a natural effect .
9 Any constituent part of a sentence that bears a meaning which combines with the meanings of the other constituents to give the overall meaning of the sentence will be termed a semantic constituent .
10 Both circuits are usually controlled by thermostats and timers to give the desired combination of space and water heating — see IN CONTROL .
11 The cells were grown in antibiotic free medium for two days to give a semiconfluent monolayer of cells on each coverslip .
12 A broad central strip of flat ceiling existing above the classrooms to give a maximum headroom of only 4.3m ( 14ft ) which could not be divided horizontally to give two storeys of habitable room-height .
13 They can be integrated into larger plots to give a secluded hideaway .
14 ‘ If we take off the reedbed 's top 30cm of vegetation — just enough so that we do not kill off the reeds — and put in some new dykes to give a good water flow we will restore the reedbed to its former glory . ’
15 JAKARTA ( Reuter ) — Indonesia 's President Suharto , who heads the world 's largest Muslim nation , told his country 's five million Catholics to give a modest welcome to the Pope next week .
16 It is possible to adopt any of the following strategies to give the poor access :
17 We will also use indicators of social and personal quality of life such as changes in life expectancy , literacy rates and educational attainments to give a better measure of progress .
18 Although we could n't speak the language , there were enough ‘ … issimos ’ attached to the adjectives to give a good idea of what the locals thought of the route , and the frequent appearance of numbers like VIII , VII+ , A4 and A3 on the topo seemed more in keeping with our previous experience than the more modest gradings given by Ron James .
19 If the triangle does not seem as efficient as professional planners would like , see if you can move the appliances or work surfaces to give a better arrangement .
20 The loose graphite powder can be rubbed into paper surfaces to give a silvery-grey tone .
21 Harvey Nichols , London 's smartest store , has the best designer names for your autumn wardrobe and the cleverest accessories to give an essential fashion edge to classic clothes .
22 He has presented plans to give the central bank a form of independence , though not without last-minute wobbles ( independence is a prerequisite for monetary union , which he favours ) .
23 It may be a measure of the state of the property market these days when offices are said to have shown the greatest improvement in May with capital growth ‘ improving ’ to minus 6.4 per cent , combining with stable yields and rental values to give a total return for the year to date of 1.5 per cent , according to the latest Richard Ellis Scottish Monthly Index .
24 In The Mind Field Robert Ornstein , a psychologist , attempts to give a balanced view of the cults , current in the US , that purport to bring self-knowledge and to change their disciples ' consciousness .
25 Alternate your activities to give a good balance of suppleness , strength and stamina .
26 SPAM makers in Liverpool are planning to spend thousands of pounds to give the tinned meat a new up-market image .
27 Observing the way that humans respond to each other is one thing ; interpreting those observations to give a useful insight into human social behaviour is more difficult
28 BDO Binder Hamlyn ( phone 071–489 9000 ) has recently expanded its investment management service and has embarked on a joint venture with Matheson Investment managers to give a broader base and access to greater research and expertise .
29 This effectively adds the two 6 volt windings to give a combined output potential of 12 volts .
30 Brewers may add sugar to encourage a strong secondary fermentation and also additional hops to give the finished beer a pleasant hoppy aroma .
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