Example sentences of "[noun pl] turned [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The ensuing exchange over the months turned the whole cast of Balzac 's Comédie Humaine into Katherine 's familiars and gave her an awareness of greed and ambition , love and betrayal far beyond her years .
2 His inability to answer her queries turned a suspicious woman into a deeply apprehensive one .
3 Behind me , the candle I had so carefully placed in the dry straw in the garret of Le Coq d'Or kindled into life and the flames turned the evil tavern into a blazing inferno .
4 After the Western allies turned the western part of Germany into a sovereign state , the Soviets followed suit and the German Democratic Republic was founded on 7 October 1949 .
5 The brilliance of its colours turned the remembered garden outside into monochrome .
6 It is perhaps not to be wondered that when the clouds of war then appeared , those in high places turned a speculative eye on this , the greatest privately-owned railway organisation in the world , with facilities and space , equipped in a wide range , from precision tools to mighty hammers , forges , foundries , and a tradition of skilled craftsmanship grafted to modern organisational and administrative ability , for a possible source of production of the sinews of war .
7 The owners turned a deaf ear to such an expensive demand .
8 Dublin had feared that up to £6 billion in EC aid could be lost if pro-life campaigners turned the forthcoming referendum seeking approval for the Maastricht Treaty into a plebiscite on abortion .
9 As Tabitha was trying to get past a couple of coked-up Thrants in expensive shakos and boiled leather , one of the Palernians turned a clumsy somersault , and one of the others pushed her into the canal .
10 This was the normal relaxation of a king 's leisure : Henry I of Germany was so keen a huntsman that he ‘ would take forty or more wild beasts in a day ’ ; the Norman kings turned a substantial proportion of their kingdom into game preserves ; hunting was the natural sport of a militant aristocracy , venting on animals the energy and spleen left over from fighting their own kind .
11 Between 18 or so delicious courses , as our hosts turned the revolving centre of the table to urge more of this dish or that , compliments were tossed back and forth .
12 Using the Temple as a short cut was also forbidden by Jewish Law and yet the priests turned a blind eye to it because it brought more trade into the Temple .
13 EVIL robbers turned a terrified bank guard into a human bomb and threatened to blow him up before stealing £23 million in cash .
14 EVIL robbers turned a terrified bank guard into a human bomb and threatened to blow him up before stealing £23 million in cash .
15 Sendei turned the final corner and emerged into a small circular space .
16 Its tyres turned the thin coating of snow into glistening mud .
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