Example sentences of "[noun pl] gave [noun] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Electronic valves gave way to transistors , and these have been replaced by the silicon chip , literally a thin slice of silicon , on which miniature electrical circuits can be created .
2 The hold tightened as Saxon thegns and clergy gave way to Normans .
3 It was inconvenient ; the prospects for private accumulation in the future was slimmer ; the expectation that public enterprise would be less responsive to needs than free traders gave rise to fears of a general decline in wealth and amenity ,
4 Than the shops gave place to boarding houses and the hill began ; it was a twin of the one he had come down from the car park .
5 East of Wallaroo the country flattened out , wheatfields gave way to spinifex grass and mallee ( eucalyptus ) scrub until finally the highest point on the horizon was art anthill .
6 These gateways gave entrance to avenues with covered arcades on each side which led to the centre of the enclosure .
7 Paddle steamers gave way to screw steamers .
8 Not just the elements gave rise to life
9 Other lines gave rise to forms in which the shells were loosely coiled or almost straight .
10 The difference of treatment for the two bids gave rise to criticism that the government 's merger policy favoured conglomerates .
11 L.F. COSTERTIUM , FECIT ’ ( Marcus Agrippa , Son of Lucius , consul for the third time , built this ) — for many years gave rise to misconceptions regarding the period of building of the Pantheon .
12 The iron hand of the Conservative administration 's first 5 years gave way to sermons on personal responsibility .
13 These technological successes gave credibility to Khruschev 's claims that Communist states could eventually overtake capitalist economic growth .
14 Together these firms gave birth to Canning Town , where the vast majority of their workforces resided , and spawned numerous subsidiary industries ( Figure 1.2 ) .
15 It had long been known that some metals gave colours to flames ; but this was an unreliable test , because colours are hard to describe exactly , and because they are usually masked by a brilliant orange-yellow .
16 These provisions gave rise to uncertainty largely because the courts showed a marked reluctance to interpret them according to the ordinary meaning of such words as ‘ void , and they also gave rise to injustice because under the Common Law an infant could still sue an adult upon a contract unenforceable against himself and incapable of ratification by him .
17 The initial low volume of stock option deals gave rise to doubts as to whether demand existed in the UK for a traded options market .
18 By the early 1980s problems for some Central and South American countries in meeting interest and principal repayments on outstanding loans gave rise to fears of an international debt crisis .
19 Dozens of lives could be saved every year if GPs gave penicillin to people with the brain disease meningitis .
20 In other words , did the religious belief stimulate the precise astronomical observation , or was it that the study of the skies gave rise to beliefs about the gods ?
21 The trees gave way to scrub and there was little shade .
22 Horse buses gave way to motor transport , and the Hull and Barnsley Railway with stations at Springhead Halt and Willerby village .
23 Maids gave birth to monsters .
24 The houses gave way to shops and the slope levelled off , then he was in a narrow main street where it was easily possible to hop on one leg from one gift shop to the next … all of them closed until Easter .
25 The Times gave prominence to cricket but thought the FA Cup Final in 1914 ‘ of comparatively little interest except to the Lancashire working classes ’ ( the game was between Liverpool and Burnley ) .
26 When its near discordant notes gave way to Rooster and the driving beat of early Rolling Stones music , it was as if the the group and the whole theatre had been struck by benign lightening .
27 Quite often Catholic groups gave support to Franco against the Socialist Republican government , on the grounds that the latter was responsible for the burning of churches and the murdering of Catholics .
28 It was a slow , infuriating process , and as A roads gave way to B and Robyn neared her destination already two hours late , the slowly darkening skies became as black and as desperate as Robyn 's frame of mind , until the heavens opened and it started to pour — not reasonable , perfectly acceptable drops of rain from a warm July sky , but pounding , penetrating torrents that battered and bounced off the roof of the jeep and seeped in through the ill-fitting windows .
29 SHEEP farmer Dominic O'Kelly was surprised when one of his ewes gave birth to quads last week .
30 Carter 's federally aided approach to help cities adjust to changing economic realities gave way to Reagan 's sink-or-swim philosophy .
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