Example sentences of "[noun pl] once and for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Let's keep our roads safe and tighten motoring law to rid our roads of these death traps once and for all .
2 Anyway he decided to complete his transactions once and for all .
3 It was not plain sailing and orthodox and ‘ liberal ’ Communists will be at each others ' throats — at local level — until they hold a full congress next January to determine new policies once and for all and to approve new leaders .
4 Many parents who have given their children a clear understanding of right and wrong , and those who have laid the foundation of Christian faith , may feel at this stage that their children are rejecting their values once and for all .
5 Could I make an appointment to see her at the Education Office to sort out the dinner money debts once and for all — hopefully .
6 However , a multi-oppression approach demonstrated to youth workers once and for all the importance of making the connections , and that Girls ' Work is Youth Work .
7 Last night Marine Ian Mallard 's father , Malcolm , declared : ‘ I want to get to the bottom of things once and for all . ’
8 I vowed there and then to give him his share of the money the day he set foot in England ; I wanted to be rid of all those Trumpers and their distracting problems once and for all .
9 Each team is composed of a group of people from a particular ‘ faulty ’ area , whose task it is to resolve any problems once and for all .
10 One of these days , she told herself , she would find a way of spiking his guns once and for all .
11 If we would just organise those leads once and for all , and essentially , erm the leads belong to the video recorders rather than the monitors , and if those somehow were attached , if we could at least tie them together or whatever
12 To begin at the right time , he wrote , means to be done with excuses once and for all .
13 ‘ They might have to work — the Glynns are n't lazy — but they want to make their decisions once and for all . ’
14 Hence , one may be able to work out the broad effect of interdependencies once and for all when the strategy is set .
15 But the entire episode promoted anti-union sentiment , not only amongst Conservatives , and led to many cries for legislation on picketing to clip the power of the overmighty trade unions once and for all .
16 What the connection is we can only hazard a guess at but it confirms all our worst suspicions about anything-core outfits once and for all .
17 Mr Ismet Sezgin , Turkish Interior Minister , who is visiting Damascus next week , said : ‘ I am going to warn the Syrians once and for all against their support for terrorism . ’
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