Example sentences of "[noun pl] to get [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We like roller-skating and this is nice and flat with not too many cars to get in the way .
2 With the conventional weighing system it took some time for the information about packet weights to get to the point where decisions could be made to adjust either the oven or the wrapping machine .
3 The impression of IBM Corp , Digital Equipment Corp and their ilk lining up like lambs to the slaughter may seem hard to credit for customers that have been driven to accept very hard bargains , but that is what appears to be happening with this Gadarene rush by the major manufacturers to get into the facilities management business in the US : we understand that many of the savings and loans , banks and securities houses that have gratefully accepted offers by the majors to run their data processing operations for them has little to do with saving money over the term of the contract , much to do with their urgent need for cash upfront to repair their ravaged balance sheets — the key attraction of the deals being the money paid at the start of the contract for the data processing facilities ; if the customers are in that much need of cash , chances are that many of them wo n't be around in five or seven years ' time , so that having spent good money for computers they do n't need , the facilities managers will be left with idle installations and contracts with no residual value .
4 In the higher primates these possibilities can already be seen emerging as actualities when chimpanzees use twigs to get at the occupants of a termite-mound , or wave branches to scare off leopards .
5 It took around six months to get to the quality audit stage and we were then able to invite in the assessor . ’
6 I mean the doctor was no help and I 'd been waiting for over a coupla months to get into the Clinic for a detox .
7 What has failed to attract attention , however , is the fact that there is a third possible response — avoidance , using legal methods to get round the law .
8 Inevitably this assault had to mean trouble for some of their own folk , since they must drive through the outer ring of Scots to get at the enemy — the cost which had caused Ramsay momentarily to hesitate .
9 The likeliest place for the specks to get into the product was in the ‘ Fluon ’ finishing Room so we set up a multi-disciplinary CAT of operators , supervisors , QC , QA and maintenance personnel headed by Finishing Room manager Jim Fairhurst .
10 The evening 's entertainment concluded with yobbos trying to evade the patrol of hefty stewards to get to the pitch .
11 If it was organised and stewarded properly , they could sign autographs , pose for photos and generally encourage youngsters to get behind the team .
12 The North York Moors National Park committee has agreed to expand its Moorsbus service which for the last ten years has enabled visitors to get to the heart of the moors without congesting roads and villages with private cars .
13 When he removed the crates to get at the tarpaulin he realized it was covering something , further stimulating his interest .
14 TENNIS heart-throb Andre Agassi smashed his way into the last 16 in the US Open yesterday — and won a kiss from movie star Barbra Streisand ( inset ) who must have pulled some special strokes to get past the minders at New York 's Flushing Meadow .
15 Grandad Terry Potter had only just installed it to stop Adam 's bids to get into the street at Barnsley , South Yorks .
16 Members , who are advised to take walking boots or track shoes because of the likelihood of a muddy site , have been given these directions to get to the centre : from the M5 motorway , exit 17 , take the B4055 , signposted Severn Beach : straight on through Pilning and across the A403 dual carriageway at the traffic lights , then through Redwick and take first left B4064 , signposted Severn Beach half a mile ; through first set of temporary traffic lights ( plant crossing ) , then sharp right at next set of lights ; look for visitors ' centre on left-hand side .
17 Councillors arriving for Leominster 's Planning Committee meeting had to walk a silent gauntlet of children and parents to get to the council chamber .
18 But before the meeting could commence a group of young demonstrators attempted to break through the police lines to get at the counter-demonstrators , who were jeering , shouting slogans and singing party songs .
19 It was estimated that it would take them two to three weeks to get to the Falklands and therefore , theoretically , the decision could be rescinded if there were some kind of diplomatic breakthrough .
20 We took four or five weeks to get across the Atlantic , being pursued by enemy submarines — all very worrying ! — and while Ben was setting Auden 's Hymn to St Cecilia and writing A Ceremony of Carols I started to put the Grimes scenario into shape .
21 Chola too complained that there were now two dogs to get in the way and whinge for food .
22 They would be competing with each other in the canopy for exactly the same sunlight , but they would all have ‘ paid ’ much smaller growing costs to get into the canopy .
23 It had taken her four years to get over him ; four years to get to the point where she could tell herself with some conviction that she had shaken off the last of the memories and was really ready to get on with her life .
24 ‘ It 's taken me four years to get to the point where I can admit this , but I still want you , Jessamy .
25 It 's taken me four years to get to the point where I can live without you , start to look forward to the future , and you 're not going to take that away from me .
26 Or had her efforts to get to the bottom of the rue Roland mystery taken an unexpected toll on her ?
27 Consumption of drinks and drugs go up : alcohol consumption can increase — maybe to a second scotch before dinner , maybe to two Special Brews to get through the afternoon and a bottle of wine every evening ; smoking can increase , as can the consumption of tea and coffee — even though these are physical stimulants ( and can therefore mimic anxiety ) rather than relaxants .
28 And you also see the other function of the relief road as a means of distributing local traffic er around the fringe of Harrogate er and trying to push it onto other radials to get into the town centre .
29 Fly right to the platform under the last button you hit , go up and collect the arrow , go down and right , go left and right through the platforms to get to the bottom , at the bottom go up the other side of the wall , collect the star and fly left over the spikes , collect the arrow and recharge your flying abilities on the star , fly right and go down , go right to the star in the grass , collect it and fly up , push the crate down , fall down .
30 Twenty per cent watch blue movies to get in the mood ; 7% smoke marijuana ; a further 7% tie their partner up ; and 6% dress up for the part .
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