Example sentences of "[noun pl] at the [adj] general " in BNC.

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1 By the early 1950s , the Essex Federation had become one of the strongest in the District , in terms of the enthusiasm and sense of purpose of its Executive Committee , composed of members elected from constituent branches at the annual general meetings .
2 Thus in 1969 the Lords rejected a bill that sought to free the Home Secretary from a legal obligation to present to Parliament the report of a commission that had reviewed parliamentary constituencies : the more equitable redistribution of seats it proposed was likely to cost the Labour Government up to twenty seats at the forthcoming general election .
3 Senior Conservative MPs have already protested about the move and called on the Government to foot the £650m bill or risk losing key marginal seats at the next general election .
4 Norman Cruickshank , Cleghorn , Lanark , chairman of the society , told members and guests at the annual general meeting in Carlisle last week that that demonstrated the continuing confidence of members in the long-term future of the breed — and the success of the carcase breed in meeting the demand from butchers for quality carcases and the demand from consumers for lean , tender and succulent beef .
5 He succeeds Alberta 's Barry Giffen who stepped down after four years at the annual general meeting held in Victoria on the weekend of the national championships in early November .
6 ALTON Townswomen 's Guild handed over charity cheques at the annual general meeting .
7 The owners also get various benefits such as copies of the annual report and accounts , the right to attend , speak and propose motions at the annual general meeting , shareholder discounts on the firm 's product , and so on .
8 Both Anwar and Abdullah had been re-elected as UMNO vice-presidents at the 1990 general assembly [ see p. 37919 ] .
9 In other words the candidates most likely to be nominated if they so wish will be those who were nominated and became TDs at the previous general election .
10 A resolution to reappoint Ernst & Young as auditors will be put to the members at the Annual General Meeting .
11 The President asserted that the referendum would fulfil his pledge made to whites at the 1989 general election to seek their approval for major constitutional change .
12 In 1878 The Islay Association printed a report of the proceedings at the Annual General Meeting in Glasgow , which was a special tribute to J. F. Campbell who was then Chairman , and which contains addresses by him , the Reverend Robert Blair , John Ramsay and Professor Blackie , and this is well worth reading .
13 In 1878 The Islay Association printed a report of the proceedings at the Annual General Meeting in Glasgow , which was a special tribute to J. F. Campbell who was then Chairman , and which contains addresses by him , the Reverend Robert Blair , John Ramsay and Professor Blackie , and this is well worth reading .
14 When ( Labour ) tries to define a programme capable of rallying the masses at the next general election , it falls back , not on a specifically socialist programme , but on the old programme that half a century ago had been that of bourgeois liberalism in England .
15 At a minimum , Solidarity is expected to present more than one list to the voters at the next general election — if it has not already formally split by then .
16 For now they sit like shareholders at the annual general meeting of a company whose profits have fallen on last year 's .
17 I look forward to meeting shareholders at the Annual General Meeting on 25 May .
18 The Directors have decided to recommend to the ordinary shareholders at the Annual General Meeting to be held on 28th April 1993 , a final dividend of 17.05p per share ( 1991 equivalent 17.05p ) , payable on or after 1st July 1993 , to shareholders on the Register of Members at close of business on 7th May 1993 .
19 A fierce reaction followed , which resulted in the downfall of the Whig ministry , and a massive victory for the Tories at the subsequent general election .
20 It polled comfortably more than 50% in a number of areas where it will be looking for parliamentary gains at the next general election .
21 Well I think that message is getting across to the P L P and we 've seen more women coming into the House of Commons , sitting on the Labour benches at the last general election , but there also is a sense that the progress , although it 's being made , needs to be speeded up , because when you have profound social changes outside the House of Commons , with a change in women 's role in society , a change in women 's role in the Labour force , and a change in women 's role in the family as well , you ca n't allow your parliament to lag behind .
22 THE GOVERNMENT 'S plans for the NHS could cost the Tories 1.5 million votes at the next general election , Robin Cook , Labour 's health spokesman , claimed yesterday .
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