Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] about [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Ducks swam about on the lake , beside which we would sometimes sit of a summer evening after supper , before going back on duty .
2 As I walked round the lake , a flotilla of ducks paddled furiously after me , hoping to be fed , while fieldfares fluttered about on the lawns .
3 His front paws rested on the heather as his back legs thrashed about in the dog-sized hole .
4 I say ‘ by great good luck ’ , because the Turkish authorities do not like foreigners wandering about in the neighbourhood of frontiers , particularly the Russian frontier .
5 Dimetrodon and other dinosaurs padded about on the surface of the Coal Measures which were bent up into the great hump-like structure , or anticline , of the Pennines ( Diagram 4 ) .
6 The family member tends to react to crises brought about by the addictive disease as if addiction were just like any other acute disease .
7 Their heads thrash about on the bloodied floor , gnashing their teeth and foaming at the mouth .
8 Not only that , there was the auto-suggestion of two tiny Spanish brats splashing about in the pond in front of the green , fishing for lost balls .
9 It is possible that , not being aware of the limitations brought about by the Project 's staffing numbers , non-participants had expected an unreasonable level of support .
10 ‘ It seems certain that even the small change in the balance of power between professionals and parents brought about by the Act have yet to be realized in a number of Authorities ’ ( Goacher et al .
11 The relaxation of east-west tensions brought about by the ending of the cold war has meant that the fear of nuclear war has receded from public consciousness .
12 Other movements brought about by the pecs are shoulder flexion , which draws the arm forwards and upwards , and shoulder extension , which draws the arm down and forwards .
13 One is pictured as mum exchanges glances with her llama neighbour and Geoff Edwards , who is helping to look after them , said : ‘ They are really delighting the young visitors jumping about in the unusually warm and sunny weather . ’
14 When they complain about ‘ stress ’ they are not saying they want to spend the rest of their lives lazing about in the sun being brought rum bamboozles on a silver tray ( though the idea has its appeal ) .
15 Then she burst into a paroxysm of croaking laughter , spluttering wildly , her emaciated limbs rolling about under the covers .
16 Now , all of those criticisms come about on the work that 's been done which has mostly been done on the recognition of characters and letters .
17 The next few years saw her and Ross out with this band of fun boaters and future rodeo aficionados though Lesley remembers having spent much of these early years bobbing about in the boils on the edge of the rough stuff , a result of lack of confidence in her own ability and perhaps not being pushed to perform by the guys in the group as much as they would each other .
18 Ruining your good trousers wriggling about on the ground .
19 By this time , Alex , a Wilton Weaver to trade , had also qualified in Gripper Axminster — an unusual combination in those days brought about by the unexpected shut down of Wilton manufacturing during 1951/1952 .
20 In at least one other case the changes in organizational responsibilities brought about by the NHS and Community Care Act have weakened commitment to these expensive , difficult-to-serve clients and there is the prospect of return to cheaper , poorer-quality care in spite of the benefits experienced by individual clients .
21 Perhaps some may have enjoyed their brief flirtation with notoriety , some may even have gained financially , but others may regret the publicity , possibly suffering from poison-pen attacks brought about by the exposure by the press of names and addresses of those who were victims of sexual attacks ( but not raped ) by The Fox or who were unlucky enough to be associated by both , marriage or friendship to this man .
22 This barrier seems to be impermeable : it is unlikely that we shall ever be able directly to detect tachyons ( although there are some interesting ideas floating about concerning the consequences were we able to ) .
23 The differences in contents in different individuals come about in the following manner , and here I must stress that I am talking about sexually reproducing species such as our own .
24 The feathers moved about in the current of air that blew in under the door .
25 Some changes came about on the death of Henry VIII , when the General Surveyors were absorbed into Augmentations , but it was apparent that more drastic reforms were needed .
26 They first recorded the vervets ' call and then played them through loud-speakers to free-living monkeys moving about on the ground .
27 He scanned the dark figures moving about in the blackness , saw the odd flash-bulb explode as tourists took pictures of one of the capital 's most famous landmarks .
28 The increasing sophistication of urban demands for consumer goods such as pots and ironwork for house-building , the problems brought about by the steady withdrawal from continental sources of supply and the need for stronger defences , combined with the entrepreneurial spirit of many local landlords and the increased flow of capital from farming and trading profits to encourage a very rapid development indeed .
29 Administrative reforms brought about by the 1834 Poor Law Amendment Act merely consolidated the already established authority in West Ham .
30 Because Nonconformists had done so well out of the changes brought about in the nineteenth century it is not surprising that increasing numbers assumed the inevitability of liberal progress to be as much part of the natural order as the law of gravity .
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