Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] themselves with [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The importance of such skills in enabling school-leavers to present themselves with confidence and to function effectively within the world of work and as responsible citizens is clear .
2 The visitors amused themselves with writing , painting , riding , picnics , at social soirées and visiting the various social clubs , such as the English Club which in 1850 had over 2,000 books as well as the daily and weekly British newspapers .
3 Warfare was the means by which the upper classes provided themselves with exercise and occupation , and justified their existence .
4 She felt a sudden burst of indignation against these overstuffed bigwigs cramming themselves with food , while she sat and starved .
5 According to legend , the ancient Britons painted themselves with woad to frighten their enemies but , almost certainly , this was not the only reason for so doing , since it is a styptic , i.e. it has the power to stop bleeding .
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