Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] themselves [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If climbers hugged themselves in delight in the knowledge that they had the monopoly on daft , death-defying behaviour , their hearts must have sunk to see people above them launch themselves off cliffs , strapped to a parachute .
2 And first , there was a long interruption to normal service at Prime Minister 's Question Time when two Tory backbenchers threw themselves in front of the House and got mown down by the Opposition roaring with ridicule .
3 The reasons behind thousands upon thousands of black kids immersing themselves in sport may stem from basic inequalities which I find unacceptable , and , indeed , immoral , but I can not affirm that sport is some device for the perpetuation of these inequalities any more than I can agree with some critics , such as Paul Hoch , that sport is a mere instrument of capitalist domination designed to slough off energies or divert them into meaningless channels ( 1972 ) .
4 The few indigenous listeners availed themselves of community sets provided at chief 's courts and administrative centres .
5 And we may see another reason for the ambiguity in Leonard : Ashkenazi Jews expressed themselves in Yiddish , which was not merely their language ( resting on 16th-century Middle High German and many Slavic loan-words ) but in a particular sense a reflection of their world , their universe .
6 This is exactly what I have attempted in this book , beginning in chapter four with my version of why so many black kids commit themselves to sport , then moving , in chapters five and six , to the experiences in family life and at school and how these affect the ties to sport .
7 Hunter , Fallon , de Glanville , behind the scrum , and Clarke , in the forwards , have in recent months established themselves as quality players one step from the national team .
8 Her eyes fixed themselves in terror on the door .
9 The club and its supporters saw themselves as part of the mythical ‘ aristocracy ’ of football but Macari insisted they were out of touch with modern football and embarked on a mission to toughen the team and its image .
10 The importance of such skills in enabling school-leavers to present themselves with confidence and to function effectively within the world of work and as responsible citizens is clear .
11 In a somewhat similar fashion , Roman emperors promoted themselves to godhood , claiming lineal descent not only from demigods such as Hercules , but from none other than Jupiter himself .
12 These are practical sessions where students and tutors prepare themselves for work with children in the second half of the term .
13 Floods : Fish in the Amazon have seasonal opportunities to avail themselves of plant material .
14 The visitors amused themselves with writing , painting , riding , picnics , at social soirées and visiting the various social clubs , such as the English Club which in 1850 had over 2,000 books as well as the daily and weekly British newspapers .
15 Furthermore , many of the great nobles enriched themselves through war : the Earl of Arundel , for example , was reputed to be fabulously wealthy and apparently had 43,981 marks in bags in the tower of Arundel Castle when he died in 1376 and another 57,000 marks elsewhere .
16 It is n't that difficult then to imagine how Johanna 's parents found themselves on Christmas Eve in the position they did — unsure whether their daughter was with her friends or in terrible danger .
17 With the cumulative debt arising from this amounting to nearly 20 billion dollars by 1982 , the Yugoslavs found themselves in danger of default on debt service .
18 The limits on cash withdrawals were so strict that many companies found themselves without cash even to pay wages .
19 Out of office for the first time since 1951 , the Conservatives threw themselves into policy making after the 1964 election defeat .
20 A further presumption is that the Scots Reformers indulged themselves in communion but twice a year .
21 Scotland 's mountains surpass themselves under snow , magnifying their grandeur and intensifying their beauty until the beholder runs out of language and is left making small bestial gasping noises .
22 All allegations should be regarded as serious , especially those made by close relatives , friends or neighbours , or by children or parents referring themselves for help , and investigated urgently ( p.21 ) .
23 Rapid flying can soon lead to heat loss by convection , and at night nocturnal insects like moths protect themselves against heat loss with hairs on their thorax which maintain a stable air layer around the body surface .
24 By nightfall all the rifle companies had been over-run ; some sections , and platoons from these companies extricated themselves at nightfall .
25 Of course if Adam had invited his parents to make themselves at home at Wyvis Hall , use it as a hotel , while he was away , they would have lent him any amount , but that was the last thing Adam would have done .
26 The World Health Organisation has called for individual developing countries to commit themselves to decade programmes .
27 Although Zuwaya merchants defended themselves against government socialism by claiming that free enterprise worked , they were not capitalists in any reasonable use of the term , the defence forced upon them by Tripoli .
28 Within the Korean community in particular , heavily armed shop-owners organized themselves in defence of their businesses .
29 Planes lose themselves in fog and drop out of the sky into city centres .
30 Warfare was the means by which the upper classes provided themselves with exercise and occupation , and justified their existence .
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