Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] in the us " in BNC.

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1 This policy has been international in scope , as was presaged by LIFFE 's early attempt to use its niche in the European time zone to create a market in US T-bond futures , for which the CBoT had established the world 's most successful futures contract in the US time zone .
2 Dr Nakajima , accompanied on his tour by Dr Jo Asvall , head of WHO 's European regional office in Copenhagen , said that he had been asked several times if Yugoslav funds frozen in the US and other countries could not be used for purchase of medical supplies .
3 Then in 1960 Arthur Andersen came to Japan with the intention of setting up an office and wanting to hire young Japanese CPAs to train in the US before the office was opened .
4 West European nations met in the US to haggle over a new joint programme of research at the LOFT ( loss of fluid-test ) reactor in Idaho .
5 They receive American standard signals broadcast in the US and Japan .
6 On average cars sold in the US consume around 28.1 mpg , according to Environmental Protection Agency statistics , twice as efficient as cars sold in the 1970s but with little change in the past seven years .
7 The stronger dollar , which helped to improve sterling returns from oil production , backfired on BP late last year by inflating the value of funds borrowed in the US .
8 The more significant benefits for UK companies will stem from the translation of the high proportion of overseas earnings that accrue from subsidiaries owned in the US .
9 But he played down new taxes on foreign companies operating in the US , which raised alarm bells in Europe during the election campaign .
10 Bills introduced in the US by the chairman of the House of Representatives Intellectual Property Subcommittee and his Senate counterpart proposing changes to the 1976 Copyright Act are being strongly opposed by the Librarian of Congress , James Billington , and by the Register of Copyrights , Ralph Oman , reports Publishers Weekly .
11 The pipeline , was built far more quickly than the trans-Alaskan pipeline , largely because of the 2,200 separate state and federal permits and construction sanctions needed by the oil companies involved in the US project .
12 Most people old enough to be expected to pay for them out of their own pockets regard the price of games cartridges as outrageous , but Nintendo Co is raising the prices of new software titles sold in the US by roughly 20% to offset the impact of Japan 's ever-rising yen .
13 By irrigating land that would otherwise be desert , they produce half of the fruit and vegetables sold in the US .
14 This regulation prevented US banks located in the US , but not abroad , from paying interest on deposits above a given rate .
15 There have been eleven black directed films released in the US in 1991 so far , with another eight ready to go and an uncounted number in production .
16 Tektronix reckons there are over 2m 3270-type terminals installed in the US alone and claims that its 3270 emulation allows users to access 3270 applications running on IBM mainframes , workstations , or servers , or on the wide area network .
17 Their applications have been stalled by the Securities and Exchange Commission 's demand that they re-run their accounts in accordance with principles used in the US .
18 Many different varieties of apples emerged in the US and its apple industry was set in motion by Henderson Luelling — a fortune hunter who went west during the gold rush in a covered wagon full of soil and apple trees .
19 Bill Clinton 's vow to make foreign businesses pay ‘ their fair share ’ of US taxes , set against the backdrop of the need to raise $300bn of extra revenue between 1993 and 1996 to fund his domestic growth programmes , could mean substantial new tax burdens on British businesses investing in the US .
20 But it is very well supported for games , since it is a standard in both the US and in Europe , whereas the Amstrad and Sinclair Z-80-based machines failed in the US .
21 Meantime Southwestern Bell Corp 's mobile systems unit and Matsushita Electric Industrial Co Ltd 's Panasonic Communications & Systems Co claim the first commercial personal communications service in the US .
22 The Z-Score techniques originated in the US more than 20 years ago with a US professor , Ed Altman , at New York University , and has been continuously refined since then .
24 He does not deny that some scientists and engineers in British industry are doing world-class research — the signal and image processing work at British Telecom 's labs is an example , says Sir Eric — but he would argue that there are no world-class labs as such in the UK , nowhere that has attained the kind of critical mass in R&D that Bell Labs has in the US or Hitachi and NEC in Japan .
25 President Bush 's Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service ( IRS ) stated in recent Congressional hearings that 72% of foreign-controlled corporations operating in the US pay no US taxes .
26 The danger for UK investors is that they will be lured into thinking that the inflated prices paid in the US translate into an undervaluation of British cellular operators .
27 With only 2,000 breeding pairs left in the US , reintroduction programmes are seen as vital if it is to escape extinction as a result of local disasters .
28 Exhaustive computer simulations done in the US show that even at the present prices for fuel , conventional sailing ships are only marginally competitive when all is counted .
29 In 1984–88 only 3.4% of patents granted in the US to other nationals went to Britons ( 3.7% in 1979–83 ) .
30 The controls apply only to new oil-burners and the environmental pressure group say they simply bring Europe into line with standards set in the US 13 years ago .
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