Example sentences of "[noun pl] [be] moving [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 At present the latest permissible time for legal abortion is 28 weeks , but by 20 weeks , the foetus is well formed , and currently doctors and gynaecologists are moving towards the idea of cutting the legal limit for termination from 28 to 24 weeks .
2 These animals are moving into the ecological niche left vacant by the disappearance of the last big predators from Western Europe : wolves , bears and lynx . ’
3 Two cars were moving towards the house , both with their lights turned off .
4 The postman came just as the grownups were moving into the parlour .
5 There were cages against the long wall and dark , manlike shapes were moving towards the bars ; the tiled floor glistened wet from a recent hosing-down , the walls were rough and whitewashed , and at the end of the room there were some battered grey lockers , a large enamel sink , and a bare wooden butcher-block table with a greengrocer 's scale on it .
6 Preliminary results have confirmed that plates are moving in the directions , and at the rates , indicated by already acquired geophysical data .
7 I expect to hear this morning from Yuli Voronpsov , the country 's deputy prime minister , that private contractors are moving into the Kremlin Hospital in Moscow .
8 Actuarial Certification is to be required in Canada and the USA and both countries are moving towards the use of the Appointed Actuary system in general insurance .
9 Other international companies are moving in the same direction and many , like ICI and BP , are firmly committed in principle to community regeneration .
10 By now , other men with microphones were moving among the audience , and so many people were shouting to be heard that George could no longer identify individual speakers as words overleaped one another and blended together into a great cry of confused and frightened protest .
11 This was because so many other companies were moving into the area and the demand for property grew .
12 Troops were moving through the village heading in the direction of the attack area and the artillery fire had increased in support of the attack , the usual odd shell or two dropping short causing casualties among the troops moving along the road .
13 Private firms are moving into the field — there are two windpower consortia and a tidal power consortium ( involving DEC , McAlpines and Taylor Woodrow amongst others — along with the CEGB and British Aerospace ) and many smaller firms in the solar field : some 20,000 solar collector units have been installed in the UK so far .
14 If the patient 's well-being is enhanced or if a problem such as asthma is cured , but joint pains flare up or a skin rash develops , the physician can reassure the patient that things are moving in the right direction and that the joint or skin problem should be transient and will also clear up in due course .
15 The opposite side of the coin is that group personnel directors or chief executives are moving from the corporate world to join executive search firms which can offer a wholly different but very satisfying way of earning a living .
16 For East Germans , watching Poland and Hungary , the message was there : things were moving toward the point where you could leave the country without real risk , and you could criticise the party without real risk .
17 Things were moving inside the waistcoat , pushing outwards , distending the leather , reaching for the air .
18 But he added that , with three-quarters of the company 's business now overseas , foreign exchange rates were moving in the right direction .
19 But he added that , with three-quarters of the company 's business now overseas , foreign exchange rates were moving in the right direction .
20 But most Labour leaders were moving towards the adoption of Keynesian solutions and the improvement of existing unemployment benefits : the Left , on the other hand , saw in the situation final proof of the collapse of capitalism and the failure of all amelioration .
21 Ermolov was dismissed in March 1827 , Paskevich took not only Erevan but also Echmiadzin , Nakhichevan and Tabriz , and by the time the Shah accepted terms at Turkmanchai in February 1828 Russian forces were moving in the direction of the Persian capital .
22 The symptoms are moving in the opposite direction to suppression and this is necessary if a long-lasting cure is to be achieved .
23 No I wondered how they sustained , were sustained in the countryside if vast numbers were moving from the towns into the impoverished countryside .
24 It would look as though a mountain of flowers was moving through the car park all on its own .
25 They are none the less important , for other industries are moving in the same direction .
26 Others are moving into the frame and within five years it is possible that more than half of all lamb will be sold overseas .
27 Papua New Guinea 's media women are moving towards the year 2000 with new determination for their role as equal partners in national decision-making .
28 Clouds were moving across the far north-west of the landscape as I got to the cave , and I 'd just reached the mouth when the first drops of rain spattered on the stones at my feet .
29 ONE of the world 's top eye cancer specialists is moving to the North West .
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