Example sentences of "[noun pl] [be] [adv] suit to " in BNC.

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1 The principles described above still apply in that skills are especially suited to analysis , and can be assessed more easily than the other domains by objective tests .
2 This means that proactive strategies are particularly suited to those forms of deviance which are continuing or episodic — in terms of pollution , the persistent failures to comply .
3 In this sense , the dictionary and its definitions are less suited to the recognition of domains that are more abstract or esoteric .
4 All conventional polyphonic forms are well suited to serial composition , especially as the series is naturally suited to horizontal writing .
5 ‘ The new rules are perfectly suited to traditional Welsh running rugby .
6 It is basically an enabling measure to allow more discretion to local authorities to take measures , within a light regulatory framework , so that roads are more suited to the traffic using them , bearing in mind other road users , such as pedestrians and cyclists , and local people in villages and constituencies like that of my hon. Friend the Member for Shrewsbury and Atcham ( Mr. Conway ) .
7 Your stylist can tell you which products are best suited to your hair type and lifestyle .
8 These methods are well suited to computers and often have the advantage that , should an error occur , at worst it lengthens the computations a little .
9 It provides a standard method for treating contaminated soils , sands , and solids ; it provides treatment for surface contamination , while other methods are more suited to subsurface treatment ; and it also requires a relatively low level of technology , meaning less can go wrong with the process .
10 It seems that limited settings or subjects are particularly suited to the crime short story .
11 Boards with wider tails are more suited to jumping since they will leap off the top of a wave rather than digging into it .
12 Rothstein argues that patron-client relationships are well suited to the peripheral capitalist development that has taken place in Latin America because they are a way of paring down the number of recipients of industrial gains , when these gains are few in number .
13 I am planning performances with two sopranos and two basses sharing the soprano and bass arias so that the voices are really suited to the different vocal ranges .
14 These algorithms are most suited to tasks with small branching ratios and reversible operators , and with simple states so that the algorithm can remember several states at a time .
15 AFF 's mathematical model of the estuary 's dispersal and dilution abilities has shown which sites are best suited to what activities .
16 Flocks are most suited to traditional surroundings , usually to areas of the house which receive less wear and tear .
17 Believing that old certainties are ill suited to new times , Culpitt appears , like a number of other influential commentators — Klein and O'Higgins ( 1985 ) ; Goodin ( 1985 ) — to favour the development of more reflexive , less ‘ ideological ’ approaches to social policy ( ‘ unprincipled' , pragmatic forms of welfare pluralism seem to be the favoured option in this regard ) .
18 Concrete blocks are well suited to d-i-y work .
19 If you have a particular task in mind it may be that a 2.4 volt drill will perform quite adequately , although as a general rule the lower voltage drills are best suited to small diameter pilot drilling and countersinking .
20 Textiles are admirably suited to the dictates of fashion , which guarantees continuous demand ( 1983 : 34–99 ) , and the same period saw the rise of women 's fashion magazines ( 1983 : 47 ) .
21 Venetian blinds are better suited to a study or workroom where a simple , practical treatment is needed , and where they can be easily dusted over .
22 Such studies are particularly suited to subjects such as perinatal mortality rates ; the comparatively rare perinatal deaths and their controls are nested within the framework of the large dataset of all notified births .
23 Apart from ERA 's determination to find and fund a long term solution to the dampness problem and to prove that their living conditions were more suited to the health of the fungus families than human families , they were equally determined to get Public Health on the political agenda and to dispel the myth that smoking , diet and lack of exercise were solely responsible for Glasgow 's award winning heart disease record .
24 What are the advantages of implementing the control unit of a processor by microprogramming , Wilkes ( 1951 ) introduced the concept as a means by which the design and implementation of a control unit could be carried out in a Systematic and logical manner ; this advantage is a Particularly valuable one today , when uniform electronic layouts are well suited to the technology of LSI .
25 Barns are best suited to operation ; of a ‘ craft ’ nature , rather than larger industrial undertakings .
26 Generally , low-cost low-technology items are more suited to longer channels .
27 This terrain of rocky canyons and dusty valleys is well suited to defence against the Ethiopian army in a war of independence that has lasted 25 years .
28 Old-fashioned and low-tech ( made of canvas , in fact ) , All Stars are well suited to this funky formula .
29 The Angevin connection was thus represented by a close kinswoman of Edward I. Jean of Brittany 's talents were more suited to diplomacy than to warfare ( although he served against Philip the Fair in Aquitaine , between 1294 and 1297 ) , while his close connections with both the French court and the nobility of western France clearly helped to ease tension at periods of crisis .
30 The episodes are ideally suited to classroom use , both in terms of length and content , and can be integrated flexibly into the school timetable .
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