Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] come [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We offer four £5 book vouchers to readers who come up with the wittiest gag about scientists and engineers .
2 It is for the benefit of the inspectors who come up from Paris for the biannual audits .
3 Everyone is happy to jump-to and work hard on a new factory opening or a big product launch , but they are not so eager to rush off and fulfil the everyday requests which come in from the media .
4 For example : You see like , the parents who come over from the West Indies , they try and teach their children this attitude " you 're English , you was born here , so you must talk the right and proper way , so you must n't talk like that " , but then after a time , as you get older , they do n't really worry about it too much .
5 So when , towards the end of lunch , Stuart lurched to his feet and informed the table — why this confessional urge that comes upon people at such times ? that he was ‘ Just going to decant ’ ( and the awful phrases they come up with : from which beagling divisional manager did my chum filch that one ? ) ,
6 It 's interesting that if you have a machine wrapping biscuits at 50 a minute and it is increased to 70 a minute , the operators who have been doing it at 50 find it very difficult to adapt , but the new operators who come in at 70 cope with it easily .
7 Well I think that 's something that I erm we can go into when you come back next time and er I see what sort of plans you come up with .
8 As a teacher I try to do what I can , but in a lot of cases you come up against a brick wall with a lot of racist graffiti on it !
9 Advance orders are sometimes placed for all the titles in a particular series , though this is more dubious , not only because titles in a series vary , but because suppliers tend to overlook volumes which come out at prolonged and irregular intervals .
10 But the pressings which come out of the plant for Cowley and Longbridge are essential .
11 And a quarter-century later , in the Pisan cantos , when the poet is imprisoned in the American Army detention-camp at Pisa , these are among the memories which come back to him most poignantly .
12 In the UK , it is Wimpey Homes ’ market researchers or sales managers who come up with a list of alternative suggestions for each new development .
13 Harry had been about to make a jovial retort , as was his nature , but he stopped and , screwing up his face , he said , ‘ Joe , the things you come out with .
14 Yes , they do exist , if only briefly : to entertain or more usually frustrate the human porcupines who come out of summer hibernation around Christmas .
15 And if had n't of got on the phone and sort of made a song and dance about it , and told one or two things , and said one or two things they come up with a bit more money , but again you have to lie through your teeth to get back what you 're really entitled to !
16 ‘ A lot of guitar players I come up against have lots of good ideas , good little lines , but sometimes their timing is a little bit at odds , ’ he explains .
17 And the appearance and the style and the treatment of , the kind of materials which come out of history publishers really represents a kind of revolution in the subject , this subject , in the course of the last twenty-five years .
18 In addition , there are 50 would-be members who come along on Thursday evenings for a special reduced-rate session .
19 and er I 've discussed this before and I 've come to the conclusion that these children who come along with Jehovah 's Witnesses knocking on your door they 're more affected than any child once a year practising whatever you like to call it Halloween or whatever .
20 ‘ What about the tourists who come up from the village on foot or arrive in their cars to take a look at your goods ? ’ he demanded .
21 The other courses who come in for kind treatment are Listowel , Punchestown and Tipperary with , on a lesser scale , favourable mention of Galway , Kilbeggan , Roscommon and Wexford .
22 I mean , it seems to be the pensioners who come in for th the tt you know , the same thing all the time .
23 All those Tibetans who come back from India in the spring laden down with watches , silver jewellery , radios — where do you think they get their money from ? ’
24 We are the real fighters , the ones who come out of the company to fight for our rights .
25 ‘ I am delighted the A.S.A. has launched a special enquiry into it , and I shall be very interested to see what conclusions they come up with .
26 Some of the schemes they come up with .
27 The sales centre is also visited by potential company representatives who come in for compliance and product testing .
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