Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] the present [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I propose three main reasons for the present bias against women in sociology ; the nature of its origins , the sex of its practitioners , and the ideology of gender roles , borrowed from the wider society , which is reproduced uncritically within it .
2 If one were looking for the reasons for the present situation , does my right hon. Friend agree that it has been the departure of the building societies and other lenders from the traditional concept of not lending more than 75 per cent .
3 The reasons for the present re-think about fluoridation are twofold .
4 He concluded by telling Scott that there was no need to hurry with the revised elevations as he would only be asking Parliament to vote sufficient for the foundations during the present session .
5 Bell , therefore , not only saved the deaf class in the school from closure , but also introduced the oral method of teaching and laid the foundations for the present day Garvel Centre for the Deaf ( as the unit is called ) .
6 Seacombe faces a rising financial burden , including projected losses for the present year totalling £3m .
7 I will re-present Eikmeyer 's model here , with adaptations for the present purpose .
8 Masterman claimed that by this means Britain ‘ actively ran and controlled the German espionage system in this country ’ Readers of the present book will be interested to know whether Professor Hinsley corroborated this .
9 Were not the training and enterprise councils , the employment training programme and the youth training programme all the brainchilds of the present Government ?
10 What was unique about the BBC governors in the eighties was that you had Rees-Mogg as vice-chairman and Stuart Young as chairman — two open , committed supporters of the present Government .
11 It 's the only , and it 's only because , and this is , I mean , having to understand why Government , surely the majority of supporters of the present Government would n't approve of this .
12 He charted the progress of time-resolved photochemical methods , from the millisecond flash-photolysis experiments of the 1950s , which he helped pioneer , to the femtosecond pulses of the present day .
13 Some aspects of the present situation such as urban unemployment and the evolution of communication and educational technology are important because they may lead to changes in educational systems which would coincidentally lead to changes in development .
14 These are the essential demands of the present time .
15 He has one daughter , married to a well-known Politician — Vivian Carolan , who is Minister of Fine Arts in the present government .
16 I know of only one serious reason for suspecting interpolations in the present text of II Maccabees .
17 In the present case , when this was attempted using the figures for total publications by thesis authors in the present study , Figure 12 was obtained .
18 In the present case , when this was attempted using the figures for total publications by thesis authors in the present study , Figure 12 was obtained .
19 ‘ I never played alongside the new , younger lads in the present team .
20 Incontinence was seen as a moderate or severe social handicap by 37% of subjects in the present sample ( the same as found by Wyman et al ) .
21 Normal levels of 24 hour intragastric acidity have been observed in asymptomatic , presumably chronically infected , subjects , and acid secretion was not raised in H pylori positive subjects in the present study .
22 Paragraph 6.28 recommended an increase in ‘ the rate of efficiency savings from the present target of 0.5 per cent year over year , to say 1.0 per cent ’ .
23 Dr Meldrum pointed out that there were a number of anomalies in the present system .
24 Having just received our annual pay rise , it brought to our attention yet again the anomalies in the present pay structure .
25 There is a danger of falling into both these traps in the present spate of Christian enthusiasm for the Spirit .
26 Therefore , the gastrin concentrations in the present study are probably measured at the lowest level .
27 Mansfield 's attitude has echoed down through the centuries to the present day .
28 The Department of Ecclesiastical History takes up the story of the emerging ‘ Jesus movement ’ and carries it forward through twenty centuries to the present day .
29 Applying those considerations to the present case , their Lordships are of the view that since the plaintiff was well aware that the defendants would be acting also for other vendors of comparable properties and in so doing would receive confidential information from those other vendors , the agency contract between the plaintiff and the defendants can not have included either ( a ) a term requiring the defendants to disclose such confidential information to the plaintiff or ( b ) a term precluding the defendants acting for rival vendors or ( c ) a term precluding the defendants from seeking to earn commission on the sale of the property of a rival vendor .
30 None the less , there are some aspects to the present acid house craze which distinguish it from its predecessors and which need attention .
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