Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] the nineteenth [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The same half-hearted recognition of the concept of human capital can be detected in government education policies during the nineteenth century .
2 It is a lyre-horned breed which was originally white with red muzzle and ears and a few red freckles on the sides , but the use of Ayrshire bulls during the nineteenth century increased the area of red in the coat and in the 1970s the use of NRF bulls darkened the colour cline to the brindle or red lineback of today .
3 Engineers and manufacturers of the nineteenth century had to keep an eye open for the rather too-well-informed casual visitor , making notes and sketches of what was going on .
4 The outer concourse in glass and iron had its architectural roots in the exhibition halls of the nineteenth century .
5 But not all coins have been overvalued in this way ; for example , late Roman gold coins of the fourth century AD and British sovereigns of the nineteenth century were literally worth their weight in gold .
6 It is not perhaps generally realised that this practice began as early as the late seventeenth century and that many of the splendid coloured aquatint books of the nineteenth century first reached the public in this way .
7 Strengthened in the revolutionary crises of the nineteenth century , it was central to Bismarck 's policy .
8 Spanish politicians discussed the political crises of the nineteenth century with the intimate precision with which a family discusses its affairs or a village gossips .
9 The explosion of mathematics was one of the most striking aspects of the nineteenth century ; and frequently new mathematics has turned out , as Galileo had hoped , to be the language of nature , providing a key or a model for the understanding of phenomena .
10 Between clenched teeth he quoted the words of the nineteenth century poet Phan Van Tri .
11 It is illuminated by brilliant passages of interpretation and convincing proposals for source material for Magritte 's imagery , ranging from Egyptian and Greek sculpture , fifteenth-century frescoes and Symbolist pictures of the nineteenth century to photography and film stills , pulp fiction and popular postcards of a mildly erotic flavour , and illustrations published in the Larousse encyclopaedia .
12 Divided into forty-four short chapters and illustrated by a large selection of good colour reproductions , it offers a convincing explanation of the artist 's apparently inexplicable imagery by reference to his biography and to source material which ranges from Egyptian and Greek sculpture to Quattrocento frescoes , Symbolist pictures of the nineteenth century , film stills , pulp fiction , popular postcards and encyclopaedia illustrations .
13 The vast number of self-instituted independent organizations in the nineteenth century , and into the twentieth century , can in many cases be directly related to two related factors : the development of the teaching academy , with its tendency to prescribe rules ; and the greatly increased importance of the exhibition , within the market conditions which had succeeded patronage .
14 When examining Barbarossa as a legendary character , this image appears again , from a traditional source collected by the Grimm brothers in the nineteenth century .
15 The following four German folktales relating to this theme , as collected by the Grimm brothers in the nineteenth century , are typical but only a fraction of the many variants known .
16 There is a concern to increase the independence of members and to devise institutional relationships to facilitate a balance of powers that would give the Commons a more effective checking , choosing , and legislating role of the kind it enjoyed prior to the extension of the franchise and the organising implications of political parties in the nineteenth century .
17 But in a way the nineteenth century was the century of history , because it was erm thought at that particular period of time that in order to understand what was going on in contemporary life , you had to have some historical appreciation , knowledge and perspective , and erm a great deal of the explanation of other subjects in the nineteenth century was , erm if you like , historical in character .
18 The writer , Christopher Stell , has pointed out that of some 600 ‘ architects ’ whose buildings were described in the Congregational Union 's Year Books in the nineteenth century , ‘ very few ’ are credited with having built more than one or two .
19 A second would be the spread of printed music into bourgeois homes in the nineteenth century ; not surprisingly , the musical language drew heavily on existing notated styles — opera and domestic song .
20 There are regular guided tours of the state rooms of the chateau , whose contents and decoration were mostly arranged during the restorations of the nineteenth century and are not very remarkable , with the exception of the tapestries .
21 Examples of such ‘ classless ’ states would include some of the central African states of the nineteenth century , such as the Bemba of Zambia .
22 Planning as a local authority responsibility has its origins in the public health and housing policies of the nineteenth century , but from the outset the objectives were broader than a simple emphasis on the efficient use of land .
23 As in the case of the foral provinces , the destruction of these ‘ little republics ’ was left to the liberal statesmen of the nineteenth century who added to the notion of rational administration that of civil equality .
24 Constructed for the most part in terms of a technology that was , by comparison with the main technologies of the nineteenth century , primitive and unsystematic , there were few really significant improvements to them through the century and by 1900 they provided no semblance of a genuine transport service .
25 Christian Nagel is an art historian from Munich who did his doctorate on the Paris avant-garde galleries of the nineteenth century .
26 Perhaps its most coherent exposition was a book called The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century , published in 1899 by Houston Stewart Chamberlain , an Englishman naturalized as a German .
27 It is probable that eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century law , custom and employment encouraged women 's confidence in their ability to deal with pre-marital sex , but increasingly the transformations of the nineteenth century altered the picture .
28 So far as mining is concerned , the long colliery shifts of the nineteenth century do not seem to have been usual in the eighteenth .
29 Forbes ' verses and caricatures became famous , and came to be typical of a kind of hearty humour forming a part of scientific meetings of the nineteenth century .
30 Hiram Powers is not only a major monograph on one of America 's most significant artists of the nineteenth century , but also a catalogue of more than 200 portraits of members of international society who found themselves in Florence from the 1840s until the 1860s .
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