Example sentences of "[noun pl] [Wh pn] have [been] told " in BNC.

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1 We often come across fishkeepers who have been told that the solution to their green water problems is a particular filter or media .
2 Coun Shephard said : ‘ I have a letter from a headmaster and have spoken to families who have been told this .
3 He contacted the South Africans who had been told they could n't meet a council delegation independently and invited them to a meeting in Darlington town hall .
4 They see innumerable patients who have been told that their symptoms are psychosomatic or ‘ all in the mind ’ by one doctor or another .
5 These discoveries have a bittersweet taste for the many mothers who have been told by their doctors that they themselves were at the root of such problems — because they were over-anxious , inexperienced , nervy , overindulgent or whatever .
6 He is one of several Newcastle players who have been told by manager Kevin Keegan they can go .
7 Mining unions who 've been told even more pits may soon close say the government must do more to secure orders .
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