Example sentences of "[noun pl] [that] fall [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Extraordinary items are material items possessing a high degree of abnormality which arise from events or transactions that fall outside the ordinary activities of the reporting entity and which are not expected to recur .
2 The right of shareholders to restrain directors from entering into transactions that fall outside the company 's objects is preserved , however , and the directors remain liable to the company for any loss that may result from entering into such transactions , and to that extent the doctrine of ultra vires survives .
3 The population will not grow indefinitely , because eventually the supply of raw materials , the smaller elements that fall into the moulds , will become limiting .
4 Such a list is not exhaustive , and the major problem for a NIB would be to identify companies that fall in the above categories , which is by no means an easy task .
5 And the other matters that fall to the conveyancer to arrange will remain unchanged .
6 This is a central example of the problem , but it is not the only example even with respect to norms , and it will be helpful to distinguish various things that fall under the general heading of a ‘ norm ’ .
7 A new amenities committee had been formed within the parish council during the year , and chairman Ken Yeldham explained that it had been formed to deal with the things that fell outside the scope of the present committees .
8 Mind the swings , mind the shit , mind the psychopaths , sadists and prowling malignants , mind the drunks who should never be allowed out on the road , mind the child molesters , torturers and Satanists , mind the mass slayers and maimers of innocent victims , mind the drunk drivers , mind the aeroplanes that fall from the sky and the ones that are aimed at you , MIND THE HOLES IN THE UNIVERSE , PRESTON , MIND YOU DO N'T DROP THROUGH .
9 In trying to accomplish these ends , a president is dependent on the services of senior White House staff and the agencies that fall within the Executive Office of the President .
10 The upshot of these various strategies by employers was to pose a real threat to the future of the male piece-workers , " who in Edinburgh only get as it were the crumbs that fall from the girls " table … the girls get all the work and the men are thrown into the street " ( a union man ) .
11 ‘ Scurrying round to pick up the few crumbs that fall from the table ? ’
12 ‘ It 'll be the crumbs that fall from the rich man 's table , ’ she said gaily .
13 Moreover , when she was born , the vili , the fairies of the millstream , had dipped her in the drops that fell from the mill-wheel , so that all trouble should likewise fall away from her .
14 Only three other patients had amylase secretion rates that fell within the control range .
15 His fingers touched her hair again , stroking the bright strands that fell against the pillow .
16 It 's not the tears that fall at the time ,
17 At length his other hand stole forward to play with the copper tresses that fell about the pillows .
18 And the ionised air can glow , taking on a shape , according to Persinger , similar to that popularly ascribed to many UFOs that fall into the category of UAPs .
19 Agreements that fall within the ambit of Article 85 are investigated by the Commission on the receipt of a complaint and/or request for exemption .
20 We only have to look at Tintswalo Hospital ( Gazankulu ) and more than three surrounding villages that fall under the jurisdiction of Lebowa Authority for evidence of this inaccessibility .
21 Decisions that fall outside the parameters of ‘ ordinary ’ unreasonableness may give rise to liability , but those indicating a lesser degree of ineptitude will be categorised as merely imprudent , or as involving an error of judgment , and will , accordingly , be safe from attack .
22 The baby universes that take the particles that fell into the hole occur in what is called imaginary time .
23 Another way of looking at the process is to regard the member of the pair of particles that falls into the black hole — ; the antiparticle , say — as being really a particle that is traveling backward in time Thus , the antiparticle falling into the black hole can be regarded as a particle coming out of the black hole but traveling backward in time .
24 The number you have put them together in different places and as usual I got the numbers that fell of the
25 Symptoms that fall outside the allergic camp , and which also affect adults — such as headaches , migraines , nausea , diarrhoea and rheumatoid arthritis — are discussed in Chapter Seven .
26 At the head of the Colca Canyon behind Cabanaconda , I gaze down at the snaking brown river , at crazy paths that fall through the smoky green evening light .
27 Alternatively , for distribution which requires very precise targeting , CACI lists the streets that fall within the specific ACORN neighbourhoods .
28 Debtors feel shame and guilt by their continuing inability to pay their creditors , which is made worse by the never ending demanding letters that fall through the letter box and the inability to get proper legal advice due to lack of money .
29 Who do the ice crystals that fall from the sky as snowflakes take on intricate six branched star shapes .
30 All the leaves that fall into the pond congregate around the loosened wire for me to collect up in a simple once daily netting session .
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