Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] [adv] on [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Yep , yeah all the mothers are very good as well , they , they , they alter them and get the uniform altered and fit so they look very smart they really do with er with the standard uniform with a little bit of embellishment on the shoulders and so on but erm otherwise it 's the standard uniform .
2 Provision made by other agencies , Guide Post Trusts , for example , MENCAP Homes and so on and so forth .
3 Moses and Monarchism is not one of those books of Freud as I expect you to read for this course , I mean I expect you to read things like Civilization 's Discontents and so on because they 're , they 're kind of central and they 're not very large books , they 're clearly er focused on our subject but erm it would be I think a little bit unreasonable for me to expect you to read this one , although , er I 'd quite like you to I mean some ways erm it 's a fascinating book , erm my guess is if it , if you do n't hate it , you 'd probably quite like it .
4 Partners and staff are well known in the City , w providers of due diligence work with the major capitalists , with the bankers er with with the merchant bankers and so on and of course our plans for providing us with due diligence work .
5 Of those councillors who were twin-tracking at the time of the Widdicombe Committee , 58 per cent were teachers or lecturers , 12 per cent were manual workers , 16 per cent were in professional jobs ( social workers , planners and so on and 14 per cent were administrators ( Widdicombe Research , Vol. iii:34 ) .
6 Mm , cos mum had Reverend come round , you see cos dad were n't , none of us were religious least of all dad , he could n't do none of it , so we said to , we did n't , we did n't know what vicar to choose cos none of us go to church so me mum said dad used to go to the church where me sister got married to the little Derby and Jones twice a week and Reverend is always there so mum said we 'll have him , dad got on well with him , he liked him , he knew dad , anyway he come round to see mum and I were n't there cos I had to go and sign on , I bloody wished I had been , anyway she said , she told him all about dad and she said I want you tell everybody how brave he was in the war and what a good father he were and a good provider and how he lived for his grandchildren and so on and so on , she said I do n't want no hymns I just want his own organ music all through the service and nothing else and just some , do a couple of prayers , she , so he said right the Lords Prayer will be fine that 'll be nice , well he never said nothing , he said I did n't know John but he said I 've been told he was a good man , he worked in a hospital , which he did , but I mean you 're only like an engineer we were n't really emphasising on that and that was all he said , he played a bit of the organ music before we went in , a bit as we come out and there was about eight bloody prayers and the songs and everything read out and made us sing a hymn ever so disappointed , hardly said anything , hardly play , played his music , no , I was well disappointed about that
7 Because it was no use to the farmer , there was no water to be seen there , and I thought I could do it with my own garden tools , and so once I 'd removed all the rough brambles and so on and discovered the periphery of the old pond
8 He came from the er amongst other things Inland Revenue and er very welcome addition to staff and er has quite a , a good grasp of many er sort of national bodies and institutions and so on and is very helpful , and is settling in very well and well-liked .
9 A spectacular programme of events , displays , demonstrations and activities and so on and so forth .
10 Comparisons at this level of guitar-building are difficult ; you 're welcome to argue the relative merits of Lowden , Martin , Santa Cruz , Taylor , old Fyldes and so on until you 're blue in the face , but the fact is that they 're all different guitars which excel in different areas .
11 I mean , he he , the next Prince of Wales , the present one , whatever one thinks of him , and perhaps , whatever one thinks of of of his alleged mistresses and so on and so forth , he 's done a terrific lot of of achievement in in interest in the arts ,
12 Secondly , the answers will only reveal any proposals for new roads and so on that have actually been placed on the council 's register .
13 Erm it means that very often individuals will have an obligation to enforce the law of nature but will not actually command sufficient force to en erm erm sufficient force to execute their judgments and so on and so on and so on .
14 Where are we to account for the hints , implicit purposes , assumptions , social attitudes and so on that are effectively communicated by the use of language , not to mention the figures of speech ( e.g. metaphor , irony , rhetorical questions , understatement ) that have preoccupied theorists of rhetoric and literature ?
15 During this fabulous weekend , we cut out our material , linings and so on and prepared them for sewing .
16 It 's an electro-mechanical device , with contacts and so on that tend to corrode and all the rest of it , and that sort of thing can be very conveniently replaced by a small microcomputer .
17 Now that 's the kind of information that is absolutely vital for them to understand , in fact for us — I mean I myself am from the Third World — to understand what the problems are , but which can only be achieved with centres in the developed countries that are prepared to make this into a working programme erm for the benefit of both , because in very many cases improving erm the lot of the Third World on the question of revenue from commodities will also improve their position , or the British or the American , or the European consumer , by eliminating intermediaries and so on and so forth .
18 To succeed the programs need to be able to accept input from all the common word processors , data bases , graphics packages and so on as well as scanners and document readers .
19 It 's also very good if board members can attend to er not merely to support the staff er and to celebrate the event but also , if necessary , to talk to the press or to er engage er with guests and so on and so forth .
20 At the end of the nineteen twenties the policy from Moscow , not just to the Chinese Communist Party but actually to communist parties all over the world swings dramatically to the left and Stalin is arguing that there 's , there are going to be revolutionary explosions all over the world the Communist Party must forge its own path , it must put itself at the head of these struggles , it must give a lead to the masses by launching insurrections and so on and so forth .
21 I think that section of the world is the largest , and those countries contained within that section of the world have huge differences and that 's because of religion , culture , different economies , different kinds of governments and so on and so forth .
22 But we reckon that in actual fact if you erm do n't do the we just dis discount the billing and collection and the pensions conversions and so on that we will actually get some benefits from the , the , the things that we 've already put in place this year , we reckon we can reduce that overspend on that side of it down to about a hundred and eighty two thousand erm because it 's , it 's nominal paper er transactions in a way .
23 Er because I do n't have a group of accountants in front of me I 'm not going to go on about debits and credits and so on and so forth .
24 Now erm we will have to look at the situation with regard to the er all the other ones and we 'll do an analysis , what are the volumes and so on and what other what other popular metric bearings
25 I mean what I would ideally like is the society in which women could be both private and public people , and men too , so men would identify more with relationships in their families and so on and slightly less with work , and women less with the family and more with work , and I think that would make for much greater flexibility all round and I think children would benefit too .
26 Knights come first , then come DBEs , then come CBEs and so on and so forth , until you get down to the lowest award , which I think is the British Empire Medal .
27 The publications you produce may well fit into a set of identifiable categories ; brochures , newsletters , flyers , books , manuals and so on but it 's how you produce them that 's important .
28 An amino acid is a chemical sub-unit of a protein , and ultimately everything that happens in a cell it produces some kind of protein , so you can see that erm the triplet or produces erm which is one of the , one of the er amino acids and so on and there are also punctuation marks U A A or U A G means stop , as does U G A , so when , when a R N A template running through a gets to a sequence which reads , where was it now , U A A it stops reading because it knows it 's got to the end of the gene .
29 Yes er I mean they er they , they want the whole peasant movement involved , I mean after all the peasants they 're , although they 're a wealthy peasant , these people are not enormously wealthy , they may be wealthy on a relative scale in a village , but certainly not er you know er er er half as weal anything like as wealthy as , as a , the , the landlords , the large land owners and so on and that it is a peasant movement , the whole peasant strata they wanted to involve
30 Erm , so in individuation has lots to do with physical attributes , lots to do with personal history and memory , lots to do with psychic characteristics such as desires , capacities , abilities , preferences , tastes and so on and so forth .
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