Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [adv] apart [subord] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It could be defined more as a jazz-funk fusion , drawing from influences as far apart as Miles Davis and Parliament .
2 The worst hit areas were in North Wales , the north west and the Midlands , although no-one 's been hurt in the mini quake which was felt in districts as far apart as Devon and Scotland .
3 The remainder of the seedlings have been taken to good garden homes as far apart as Tresco on the Isles of Scilly and the Isle of Bute in the north .
4 Such enterprises now account for more than 60 per cent of industrial employment in countries as far apart as Ghana and Tanzania ; more than half of them are located in small towns and villages , and the extended family is their most important source of labour ; they contribute at least a quarter of total manufacturing output ; and typically they employ between one and ten workers .
5 ORT is one example of the health care programmes which CARE is helping to introduce in countries as far apart as India and Peru .
6 Muslims are just as divided as Christians : by ethnic origin ( they hail from areas as far apart as Turkey and Nigeria ) ; by language ( as well as Arabic , their native tongues include Urdu , Bengali , Hausa , Swahili and Farsi ) ; by doctrine ( three-quarters are Shias and the rest are Sunnis ) ; by money ( Kuwaiti bankers do not usually invite Bradford textile-workers to their Knightsbridge dinner parties ) ; and by politics .
7 Two of the very common gold coins of the Roman Emperor Claudius I , struck from the same dies , have been found in hoards as far apart as Kent and southern India .
8 Between 25 December 1963 and 21 March 1964 a party of eight wintered in West Sussex , being seen in several places as far apart as Sidlesham and Wiston Park ; there is no reason to suppose that more than one party was involved .
9 In fact , wind power is already contributing energy to the national grid in places as far apart as Ilfracombe in Devon , and Ripon in North Yorkshire , with dozens more wind farms planned by the turn of the century .
10 Our travels led us to places as far apart as Sanderstown , San Francisco , New York , and London — all in search of an ‘ insurance ’ that would guarantee for us peace and tranquillity on Koraloona , the most beautiful island of the whole beautiful Moto Varu archipelago .
11 Frenchmen in the late eleventh century were not the first people to experience romantic passion ; the emotion found expression in earlier poems in places as far apart as ancient Egypt and tenth-century Germany .
12 I 've been as far a a places as far apart as the presbytery of erm Annandale and Esdale which is to , what to south of Scotland , erm and I ca n't think of any corresponding place erm in the north but there have been places in the north that I 've also gone to , and this is my donor card .
13 For a time before the Roman invasions several powerful Illyrian or Graeco-Illyrian kingdoms existed in places as far apart as modern Albania and Macedonia in the south and the upper Sava basin in the north .
14 It has no apparent direct ancestors or descendants , yet it turns up simultaneously in places as far apart as Indonesia , northern Siberia , Turkey and Nevada .
15 Louis Bizat , the Palace 's present general manager , says : " When it burned down I received , within eight days , over 200 telegrams , of which 190 were from abroad , from places as far apart as Canada , Hong Kong , the States , Australia , all expressing their sorrow that this had happened .
16 The success of Carry On Nurse in America did n't alter the fact that the fans were mostly in Britain and the Commonwealth , but the mail poured in from places as far apart as Kenya and Hong Kong .
17 The deal , released yesterday , will boost Tory election prospects in seats as far apart as Preston , Lancashire , where British Aerospace build Tornado bombers , Brough on Humberside , where Hawk trainers are built , Southampton where Vosper 's build minesweepers , and Yeovil in Somerset , the home of Westland helicopters — all expected to be part of the arms package .
18 When the Canadian Northern reached Vancouver in 1915 , it reclaimed land at False Creek , one of the many land reclamation schemes which facilitated the building of railway stations as far apart as Bombay and Auckland — and built a massive classical station .
19 One of the most universal of all designs ; it is found in the artistic and religious expression of cultures as far apart as America , Europe and India , as well as China , and has been ascribed many meanings ; the most popular of these are happiness , the heart of the Buddha and the number 10,000 .
20 By virtue of an association with the Stornoway Sea Cadets I was able to extend my exploration by sea , and spent many happy days on the more remote sea lochs and outlying islands as far apart as Barra Head and North Rona .
21 For modernists , and here critics as far apart as Adorno and Clement Greenberg have a large area of common ground , most important in determining aesthetic value is the systematic working through of the possibilities of a given aesthetic material .
22 More than half the output from our two factories at Cornard and Chilton is exported , mainly to continental Europe , but new and diverse markets as far apart as Hungary and Japan have been opened up .
23 To my academic colleagues on both the physical and human sides and the biogeographical middle of the subject I would like to express the hope that my method of expressing salient parameters , in fields as far apart as climatology and social geography , in terms of a common set of units — the Watt and the calorie — has value for the future of our subject .
24 By the end of the 19th century , Guinness was being enjoyed in territories as far apart as America , Africa and Australia .
25 It 'll hit travellers as far apart as Exeter , Peterborough and King 's Lynn .
26 The First Orchestra has recently appeared in venues as far apart as Worcester Cathedral , Dunkeld Cathedral , Huntly Parish Church and the Usher Hall , and also enjoys a number of foreign links which have taken them to Denmark , Bavaria and Italy within the last few years .
27 Taken from 190 miles above , the film shows pollution in rivers and oceans , the extent of rainforest destruction from burning and major silt damage in rivers as far apart as the Mississippi , the Yangtze and the Betsiboka in Madagascar .
28 It was taken instead in Gateshead thus depriving Darlington of the chance to have its name on a picture which would adorn walls as far apart as Headingley pavilion and West Indian embassies in Washington .
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