Example sentences of "[adj] efforts [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Coventry-born Painter , 21 , sensed trouble soon after the start and made repeated efforts to keep the headgear in place .
2 Mr Geoffrey Barnes , Hong Kong 's secretary for security , said the action had been taken only after ‘ repeated efforts to obtain the co-operation of boat people and warnings that the search would have to be carried out regardless of their objections ’ .
3 The most rigorous efforts to spread the work evenly throughout the day will not meet with total success for there will always be some predictable peaks and troughs of activity .
4 More direct efforts to measure the effects of selection upon a population were undertaken by the biometrical school of Darwinism .
5 But yesterday 's sales of Ecus highlighted the conflict between official efforts to defend the pound and weaken the dollar .
6 The lack of a widely-used system of branding hampered official efforts to hinder the disposal of stolen animals .
7 Official efforts to protect the cultivator against an oppressive lord went back at least as far as legislation by the Emperor Leopold I in 1680 ; and in many ways Maria Theresa showed a truer concern for her peasant subjects than her son was ever to do .
8 It is this tension that can then sometimes be seen as leading to central efforts to curb the independence of agencies whose initial freedom was provided by government .
9 His skilful efforts to put the Assembly in the wrong were abetted by the deputies ' seeming determination to alienate the masses from the regime , attempts which culminated in an electoral law of 1850 which disenfranchised some 3,000,000 voters on the basis of a residence qualification .
10 Here we observe tensions between attitudes toward land based on traditional rights and contemporary efforts to improve the land .
11 The student may seek escape in passivity and make only perfunctory efforts to learn the target language ; or he may express antagonism by making no effort to adopt the correct pronunciation or by a deliberate use of native language patterns in the target language .
12 The idealist view that Nature is the expression of a rational creative force upheld many pre-Darwinian efforts to trace the relationships between living things , and the patterns of distribution in space and time .
13 But he said that does not mean the administration has ruled out the use of force in future efforts to oust the general .
14 There is much heart-burning on this score in the other parts , accompanied by intensified efforts to improve the quality of English instruction .
15 In the course of the day the UK government announces increases in base rate from 10 to 12 , and then to 15 per cent effective Sept. 17 , in unsuccessful efforts to defend the value of sterling , then withdraws sterling from the ERM , allowing its value to " float " ( as a result of which it falls some 10 per cent against the deutschmark to below DM2.52 by the end of September ) , and cuts base rate to 12 per cent .
16 In Britain also , there is recognition that the progress that has been made in the last fifteen years in increasing the pool of professionally-trained social workers must be matched by similar efforts to upgrade the skills of the paraprofessional work force if the quality of social service provision is to be adequate .
17 He added that " the USSR is taking part in the joint efforts to settle the conflict in Afghanistan and in this context it is ready to maintain any contacts , including with the opposition , if they can help to solve the problem " .
18 Field studies were also important for early efforts to monitor the environment , an area with which governments were increasingly concerned .
19 Put forward plans for a powerful United Nations Environment Programme to lead global efforts to protect the environment , operating within the framework of an ‘ Earth Charter ’ .
20 Chapman made real efforts to shape the image of his team in the press and encouraged his players to promote themselves in public .
21 making special bridging efforts to reach the child 's ‘ teachable self
22 Charles made serious efforts to develop the learning and culture of his court and society .
23 Throughout the war , there were constant efforts to limit the devastation it was causing or to bring it to a halt altogether .
24 And if you get an interview you are more likely to succeed if you can prove that you are a positive person who has made demonstrable efforts to counteract the ill-effects of being unemployed and have managed to put your time to constructive use .
25 Without corporate efforts to reinforce the importance of traded goods and services the sustainability and growth of the industrial system would be at risk .
26 The October 1973 war was the result of Egyptian-Soviet efforts to change the balance in the Middle East , but it was the United States which became the prime beneficiary .
27 Last-minute efforts to secure the participation of all parties in a Middle East peace conference were conducted principally by United States officials , and in particular the US Secretary of State James Baker .
28 Yet , as he himself admitted , these conscious efforts to conduct the career of popular novelist in a business-like manner were never entirely happy :
29 PARENTS and teachers have been left ‘ punch-drunk ’ by Tory efforts to reform the education system , Darlington 's Labour candidate Alan Milburn said yesterday .
30 Parcelforce has made a loss over the last two years , despite strong efforts to turn the business around .
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