Example sentences of "[adj] steps [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Committee is sensitive to the concerns of local residents about the disruption they experience when major events take place at the stadium , and has undertaken to pursue all possible steps to maximise the use of public transport to take crowds to and from matches .
2 It 's expected to discuss it 's future involvement , if any , in negotiations with the South African government on power sharing , if the government does n't take emphatic steps to stop the violence .
3 It was fair to say that , as soon as the company realized what was happening , it took prompt steps to certify the situation .
4 ‘ was not aware of the nature of the document which she signed , then the bank would be unable to enforce the charge against her , irrespective of agency , unless … the bank manager took adequate steps to explain the document .
5 ‘ Even if she was unaware of what she was signing , and the bank did not take adequate steps to explain the effect of her signature , nevertheless she can not succeed without proof of agency .
6 Even if she was unaware of what she was signing , and the bank did not take adequate steps to explain the effect of her signature , nevertheless she can not succeed without proof of agency .
7 I should be obliged if you would now take the appropriate steps to have the recoveries examined or alternatively to authorise their return .
8 Critics of the administration reproached Bush for his failure to take real steps to tackle the deficit .
9 Mandela himself , on the day of his release , described de Klerk as " a man of integrity who is acutely aware of the dangers of a public figure not honouring his undertakings " , and who had " gone further than any other Nationalist president in taking real steps to normalise the situation " .
10 A letter of July 26 signed by 66 ( out of 100 ) senators urged Bush to take additional steps to prevent the Khmers Rouges from seizing power , including the initiation of a US development programme for Cambodia and the opening of direct contacts with the Phnom Penh regime .
11 This service will identify those consumers experiencing payment difficulties and inform the lender , who can then take early steps to limit the extent to the problem .
12 On foreign policy issues the European Council " expressed its preoccupation with the critical food supply situation in Moscow and St Petersburg " and agreed to " take concrete rapid steps to help the populations of these cities " .
13 Given this scenario one would have thought that it was clear for all to see that what is required are urgent steps to reduce the time , and opportunity for offending , between being apprehended for an offence and having that offence dealt with by the courts .
14 Amnesty International is appealing to Somali political leaders and the international community to take urgent steps to end the spiral of killings and torture which has become known locally as the ‘ Mogadishu Scenario ’ .
15 He said the region had to take urgent steps to repair the damage his statements had caused .
16 In addition , where an odour arises from a works on which many people rely for employment the decision whether to complain or not is influenced by the realisation that should a local authority press their employer to take costly steps to abate the odour , it could result in closure of the works with consequent loss of employment .
17 The government , claiming that granting the pilots ' wage demand would set off a wage explosion and damage the economy , expressed its support for the airlines and took unprecedented steps to break the strike .
18 Later , you 'll use races to help monitor your progress , but first of all you need to go through some basic steps to establish the habits and strengths needed for a good running programme .
19 The board dismissed him for ‘ gross misconduct and gross professional negligence ’ and is still considering legal steps to recover the cash .
20 The ANC also received encouragement from the Congress of South African Trade Unions ( COSATU ) which announced on April 29 that it would consider staging a general strike if the government failed to take effective steps to halt the violence .
21 In his annual report to the Supreme Soviet Matiukhin said that he had resigned because ( i ) the government had taken no effective steps to solve the cash shortage ; ( ii ) inter-enterprise debt stood at 2,000,000 million roubles for which the Bank was criticized although it was following government policy ; and ( iii ) the Supreme Soviet was demanding a reduction of the 80 per cent interest rate to 50 per cent .
22 The reason was that the employer had taken no effective steps to end the practice and yet suddenly , and without proper warning , had treated it as a sufficient ground for dismissal .
23 Very broadly stated , it is a duty to treat the trespasser with ordinary humanity … the occupier is not at fault if he has done as much as is required of him , if he has taken reasonable steps to deter the trespasser from entering or remaining on the premises , or part of the premises , in which he will encounter a dangerous situation .
24 recommend a transaction to a private customer , or effect a discretionary transaction with or for him , unless it has taken all reasonable steps to enable the customer to understand the risks involved ; or
25 However , in most cases the crucial question will be whether the person seeking to rely on the terms had taken reasonable steps to give the recipient notice of their existence .
26 In addition , the Directors are responsible for taking reasonable steps to safeguard the assets of the Group and to detect or prevent fraud .
27 every citizen in whose presence a breach of the peace is being , or reasonably appears to be about to be , committed has the right to take reasonable steps to make the person who is breaking or threatening to break the peace refrain from doing so …
28 ‘ every citizen in whose presence a breach of the peace is being , or reasonably appears to be about to be , committed has the right to take reasonable steps to make the person who is breaking or threatening the peace refrain from doing so ; and those reasonable steps in appropriate cases will include detaining him against his will . ’
29 Claims will be paid on condition that the Insured Person has taken reasonable steps to complete the journey to the U.K. departure point on time .
30 And any director or the secretary of the company is similarly liable unless he shows that he took all reasonable steps to avoid the commission or continuance of the offence .
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