Example sentences of "[adj] measures [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was widely felt that the police were failing to take adequate measures to check the growth in crime and violence , and on May 12 , following a meeting with representatives of the Romany community , Havel criticized the Czech Ministry of the Interior for handling the situation badly .
2 At the Royal Show the Agriculture Minister insisted there are adequate measures to prevent the spread of disease .
3 The first of these principles is laid down in Article 5 of the EEC Treaty , which requires Member States to take all appropriate measures to ensure the effectiveness of Community law ; the second principle underlies the constitutional tradition common to the Member States and is also laid down in Articles 6 and 13 of the European Convention of Human Rights .
4 The group has called on the Kenyan government to take urgent measures to preserve the lake 's natural resources .
5 Britain 's Liberal Democrats have called for urgent measures to tackle the health risks posed by air pollution , including more investment in public transport to cut down on exhaust emissions , the acceptance of World Health Organisation ( WHO ) monitoring guidelines , and an increase in air pollution monitoring stations .
6 Protection of food and drink from contamination , for example by flies , and handwashing before touching food are basic measures to prevent the transmission of infection in food and drink .
7 The work will include preparing designs for planning of the archaeological exploration of the site ; conservation and restoration work on the monuments ; control of access to tourists and local inhabitants ; additional legal measures to protect the site ; and visitor and tourist facilities .
8 According to Lao National Radio on that day , the conference would " examine thoroughly the performance of each financial agency and locality ; evaluate correctly the achievements made by the financial sector over the past 15 years ; and assess the current economic and financial situation and remaining problems so as to find effective measures to open the way for socio-economic development with new mechanisms " .
9 The Assembly called on member states to respond to WHO 's urgent appeal for US$3,000,000 to help cyclone victims in Bangladesh [ see p. 38176 ] and urged more effective measures to combat the cholera epidemic in parts of South America [ see p. 38142 ] .
10 Finance Ministers and central bank governors ( i ) commented that the United Kingdom was moving towards economic recovery , that recovery was under way in the United States , that growth was projected to pick up in Italy and France , and that in Japan and Germany growth had slowed from the rapid pace in 1990 to a more sustainable rate ; ( ii ) noted the importance of strengthening global savings ; ( iii ) reaffirmed the need for effective measures to avoid the recurrence of " recent irregularities that were revealed in some financial markets " ( a reference in particular to scandals in Japan — see pp. 38529 — and to the collapse of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International — see pp. 38396-37 ; 38355 ; 38545 ) ; ( iv ) called on the Paris Club to continue discussions on how best to implement promptly additional debt relief measures , on a case-by-case basis , which went well beyond the relief already granted under the " Toronto terms " [ see pp. 36123-24 ] ; and ( v ) noted that it was essential for developing countries to encourage private capital flows .
11 As regards national prosperity , the ‘ stop-go ’ cycle of populist tax-cutting budgets followed by balance of payments crises and deflationary measures to protect the exchange rate was becoming increasingly vicious .
12 All the time , while people sat back in their new sky-clawing cities , safely enwombed away from the nasty poisons outside , Tech-Green 's brilliant minds developed ever more complex measures to solve the planet 's debilities .
13 Social Security Secretary , Peter Lilley said the Government had already taken substantial measures to help the pensioners .
14 This should ideally be dealt with under the insurance provisions , but should it appear in the provisos , the tenant should ensure that it is a bilateral right and that in any event the landlord shall not be permitted to terminate the lease until it has taken all reasonable measures to procure the rebuilding or reinstatement of the centre or the part so destroyed or damaged ( as appropriate ) .
15 While supporting the principle of legislative measures to reduce the risk of salmonella , the BEIC has been actively lobbying the Government to ensure the British producers are not faced with an impossible burden .
16 A decree signed by Yeltsin on Feb. 21 envisaged measures to rehabilitate the statehood of Russian Germans within the Russian Federation .
17 The Octobrists , while regretting official infringement of recently guaranteed civil liberties , heartily endorsed vigorous measures to restore the authority of the government .
18 Moreover , in a clear indication of the growing influence of the European Parliament , Mr Delors assured MEPs yesterday that the commission would bring forward three important measures to improve the rights of Europe 's workers .
19 The report argues that bold measures to protect the environment are compatible with long-term economic growth and a necessary ingredient in a healthy sustainable economy .
20 THE Chancellor yesterday adopted President Bill Clinton 's policy of balancing rather modest immediate measures to reduce the budget deficit with a promise of progressive corrective measures in the longer term .
21 As a result many of the groups have decided to take practical measures to improve the society in which we live .
22 If your child does become constipated , take practical measures to soften the stool — your doctor can prescribe a suitable laxative and course of treatment .
23 But the child protection system had broken down in this instance , not because of the excessive timidity or woolliness of social workers who missed the warning signs and failed to act , but because of their over confidence in medical diagnoses and their ready reliance on compulsory measures to remove the children .
24 Mr Nemeth , a strong adherent of neo-monetarist measures to resolve the country 's fiscal crisis , accused his party colleagues of failing to support him as head of government and claimed his resignation was guided by national rather than party interest .
25 By this time , the climate in the Council was increasingly hostile to tramways , and the Management had to take desperate measures to secure the future of the Promenade and Fleetwood lines .
26 The government was planning an $8,000 million investment programme to double electricity-generating capacity over the next 10 years , while short-term measures to alleviate the problem involved importing movable power generators aboard floating barges .
27 ‘ Further falls in base rates to at least 6pc are necessary ; in addition , specific measures to stimulate the housing market would boost confidence by indicating the Government 's commitment to the home-owner . ’
28 The proposal is one of a number of voluntary interim measures to protect the UK coast line from accidental pollution from laden tankers which the Government has submitted to the International Maritime Organisation .
29 Cristiani on July 21 , 1989 , announced economic measures to resolve the problems of the fiscal deficit ( estimated at $458,450,000 for 1989 ) and the lack of international reserves , and to reduce inflation , create jobs and encourage exports .
30 It 's only sensible , then , to take any possible measures to minimise the dangers in your home , especially if there are small children about .
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