Example sentences of "[adj] effort [to-vb] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This approach is inefficient since the computational effort to produce the parses has already been expended .
2 In this instance , a well-meaning effort to give an individual the right to choose how he led his life — arguably a choice which any ‘ normal ’ person enjoys — had led to that individual becoming increasingly isolated and rejected .
3 Despite this , the LNU invested its hopes less in the efficacy of a transnational effort to sustain a people 's peace — no other country had an organized public opinion remotely comparable to Britain 's — than in its capacity to influence British Governments .
4 Over the past few decades , in particular , in structuralist anthropology , psychoanalysis , and Marxist theory , there has been a major theoretical effort to challenge the naturalness of the ‘ unitary subject ’ in social theory , to see the individual as a product of social forces , an ‘ ensemble of social relations ’ , rather than as a simple natural unity .
5 This continual effort to expound a programme gave the Rassemblement somewhat greater legitimacy as a democratic movement , but it also made it seem very much a party like all the others .
6 Taking a deep breath , he made a visible effort to push the nightmare aside , and grinned down at her .
7 This year of 1944 saw the supreme Japanese effort to break the deadlock which had bogged down the Burma front .
8 The arbitrary inclusion of artworks in the exhibition is further evidence of a curatorial effort to construct a narrative of ‘ situationism ’ .
9 Where it differs , is in that it makes a serious effort to put the bits back together again !
10 The central feature is a case conference which brings together parents , governors , teachers and other professionals in a joint effort to resolve the problem presented by the case .
11 Viewed in the long term , the importance of the Expenditure Committee was that it helped to persuade the Commons as a whole of the need for a more comprehensive effort to review the processes of public administration .
12 This usually happens after a fairly senior personal effort to cheer the Distillers Company on to greater profitability , but not always .
13 In the case of the latter , the last straw in Wilson 's continuing agitation and " one of the greatest blunders the union ever made " , thought Walter Runciman , " was the despotic effort to make the officers and engineers join a union .
14 It would have taken no additional effort to assemble a selection representative of the period and presenting a new view of many leading artists ' activities and styles applied to this medium .
15 It would also put in jeopardy the global effort to halt the spread of nuclear weapons .
16 Some people worry that this argument , along with cheating by Iraq , North Korea and others , could fatally undermine the NPT , and with it the global effort to halt the spread of nuclear weapons .
17 The shoot was waylaid by litigation , however , after Mr Kluge 's Irish and British gamekeepers were convicted of killing hundreds of protected hawks and owls — and some of the neighbours ' dogs — in an authentic effort to keep the game alive for the pleasure of the guests .
18 A similar effort to control the boundaries within which sexuality might legally be expressed was inherent in the late Victorian attempt to regulate prostitution .
19 Indeed parallel with developments in the methodology of the survey , there has been a similar effort to make the interview a much more standardised , methodical and effective instrument of social inquiry .
20 The antitrust policy of the Reagan administration was part and parcel of an overall effort to get the government out of the market , and to permit competition to set prices and production .
21 His last years saw in Maupeou 's attack on the parlements a real effort to give the monarchy more freedom of action , and in the radical fiscal expedients of the Abbé Terray ( Controller-General , 1770–74 ) a partially successful attempt to ease its financial position .
22 There had been little real effort to impose a change before the dismissals were made .
23 ‘ It 's a magazine , ’ Georgina said , making an obvious effort to keep the pity for someone Matthew 's age out of her voice .
24 When jury selection commenced on Sept. 5 , the defence vainly made a last-minute effort to get the trial dismissed , alleging government breach of ethics because it had just learned that Noriega 's former lawyer , Raymond Takiff , who had advised him to surrender to US authorities in January 1990 , was at the time working secretly for federal authorities .
25 ‘ Has Rodney solved the murder yet ? ’ asked Melissa , making little effort to keep the sarcasm from her voice .
26 A joint Anglo-French effort to recover the cargo was abandoned on April 25 with four of the containers , including one containing 5.6 tonnes of Lindane , a highly toxic pesticide , still missing .
27 AN Ayrshire schoolboy 's shock at conditions in an East African secondary school has sparked off a remarkable effort to help the pupils .
28 They will have to make a conscious effort to treat the assessment of need as a separate exercise from consideration of the service response .
29 The family were Presbyterians , and her conscious effort to acquire an education began at the age of six , when she heard a sermon she could not understand , and from that time she adopted a plan for acquiring information through asking the meaning of every new word she heard .
30 It took a conscious effort to resist the urge to close my eyes , while I signalled to the traffic behind and made an emergency stop .
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