Example sentences of "[adj] to look [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He was involved in the most important questions of policy — negotiations for the marriage of royal children : Eleanor in 1170 and John in 1173 But in view of Eleanor of Aquitaine 's masterful political activity in later years it seems superfluous to look for a power behind the throne .
2 This suggests a major drop in popularity , and it would be interesting to look at the circulation figures .
3 With this explanation in mind , it is interesting to look at the accuracy of recall of clause ( 1 ) in the two conditions .
4 The police are always careful to look after every dog they accept .
5 How exciting to look at the costumes and have the impression that one is wearing them , or see one 's own face adorned with the ear-rings on display .
6 Where the shareholders also happen to be the directors , and a close personal trust and confidence is involved , the courts have been willing to look at the settlement of arguments on the basis of equity rather than strict legal principle .
7 As long as I know that I 'm right er and say well I 'm quite willing to look at the figures that you 've been given , but these are the figures that are right but I will look at them erm and I , and I certainly would n't er confront it much more than that .
8 We are anxious to have a small group of people who would be willing to look after the altar in the church , prepare it for special occasions and generally take a personal interest in its care .
9 But , though Nonni was willing to look after the babies for part of the day , even the dullest of part-time jobs was not easy to find .
10 Her mother was willing to look after the baby , so she got a fulltime job as a teacher 's assistant in a mental home .
11 After countless such visits he was afraid to look into the bowl in case something of himself had been lost in his body 's writhing struggles to empty itself .
12 In the field of training we must always be prepared to look to the future and , if considered necessary , modify our teaching procedures .
13 He and Shinwell had told the Central Authority at their first meeting in September 1947 that , while general price rises could be ruled out , they were prepared to look at the possibility of controlling demand at peak times by differentially higher prices for peak use or by mechanical load-restricting devices .
14 John Lindsay , Scottish vice-chairman , said CIPFA was delighted that Mr Lang was prepared to look at the figures again .
15 The volunteers have to be prepared to look after the puppy for a year , although they do get an allowance for feeding the dogs .
16 At least in what other poorer women were telling me , when it came to after work and weekends the men were quite the women were prepared to look after the children and felt it was their role to look after the children while the man was at work ; when the man came back he continued to feel that the woman should look after the children erm for the rest of the time , and the idea of a shared child care arrangement did not operate in at least a number of the families that I talked to and had been one of the causes of the breakdown of the marriage and one of the precipitating factors in the man physically abusing the woman .
17 This is seen as part of its policy to make citizens more self-reliant , and less prone to look to the state for financial and practical support when they are out of work , chronically sick , elderly and infirm and so on .
18 He concluded that it was proper to look at the GUS group as a single entity .
19 They were free to look over the top of the box to see what size the bricks really were , and they were quite aware that their own view was distorted because one of the portholes contained a magnifying lens .
20 For a few moments he was content to look at the maid 's face and the way the orange firelight lent it strength and mystery .
21 We always have a boiled ham on the bone in our delicatessen counter and it is without doubt the single main item responsible for drawing people into the shop who might otherwise be content to look through the window .
22 So it seems to me if we can agree on what criteria might be appropriate to look at the location of the new settlement on a strategic level , the final version of H two will in fact probably be much shorter , more concise er than the policy H two that we have at the moment .
23 It is therefore appropriate to look at the subject afresh .
24 The impact upon investment appraisal will be left until chapter 6 , but it is appropriate to look at the effect upon costing here .
25 Given the amount of negative equity still locking in to the system , it may be instructive to look at the UK consumer 's reaction to lower interest rates .
26 But before we move on , it may be instructive to look at the relationship between language viewed as a formal system and language as part of a wider social and psychological context , and to say something about the place of these two approaches in the development of ideas about language in general .
27 A youngish doctor employed full-time to look after the health of the Verfassung-schutz 's agents had been caught , by pure chance , passing on the details of those agents ' medical histories and personal problems to the Other Side .
28 But it is not possible to look beyond the world in order to see what it depends upon directly .
29 The fact that the London fair is comparatively small ( twenty-nine dealers compared to the eighty or so in New York ) also works in its favour : at this size it is just about possible to look at every print on every stand .
30 Having seen the function of the Bank of England in the sterling money markets carrying out its role as lender of last resort , it is now possible to look at the significance of its open market operations in relation to interest rate determination in the money markets and in the wider economy .
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