Example sentences of "[adj] to use the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is acceptable to use the same name as someone else if it is used for a different class of goods or services to the ones for which the first mark is registered .
2 Jennie told Katharine not to be afraid to use the outside rein quite strongly when he was over bending .
3 ‘ Well , if he does , feel free to use the main cabin . ’
4 For instance , hydrogen-bond formation in liquid water lowers the OH stretching frequencies by several hundred cm -1 , and it would be quite unrealistic to use the liquid water frequencies as characteristic of the isolated triatomic molecule .
5 The quality press and the Daily Mail do not so readily create nicknames , although they are willing to use the existing currency — ‘ Yesterday , detectives were hunting a man locals call ‘ the stranger from Devil 's Wood ’ ' ( Daily Mail ) .
6 Liverpool boss Graeme Souness was said to be willing to use the 25-year-old Londoner as bait for Queens Park Rangers ' , coveted striker Les Ferdinand .
7 Since there are two offences — and particularly in jurisdictions where there are three or more grades of homicide — surely it is right and proper to use the lesser offence to mark significant differences in culpability .
8 And it would be impossible to use the main staircase , because as you 'll recall it is immediately next to Reception there .
9 Now , I do not seek to defend the conduct of the Sun , but I do think that it is at best messy and may also be dangerous to use the common law to outflank the Act .
10 However , because the reptation is assumed to occur by migration of a segmental kink along the chain , the force needed to do this is applied one segment at a time and so it is more appropriate to use the frictional factor per segment ζ .
11 Fourth , it may not be appropriate to use the Daily Mirror as a guide .
12 Participation and prototyping could be used independently in some applications and in others it may be appropriate to use the conventional approach modified by incorporating these tools and techniques .
13 So therefore was there anything for me as a consumer go along to the theatre , have a back programme that has been sponsored by Hydro Electric to use the bad example .
14 Then we go to the taboo language and if you talk about when you go to the toilet , if you Everybody excuses themselves to leave and that 's both men and women and then somehow you have to say where you 're going , so the women are more likely to use the polite sort of euphemistic kinds of things like they 'd say toilet or loo , whereas the men are more likely to say bog .
15 He angered even the faithful by doing it in the middle of the night , announcing he would slash spending to close a gaping budget deficit and promising to use the new tax revenue to bolster poor school districts .
16 It is possible to use the diatonic system in several ways to give an air of ‘ modernity ’ .
17 Erm try and where possible to use the individual communication with them as opposed to erm communicating to them as a member of a group preferably in a relaxed environment er rather than a sort of erm including any decision making pass on as much credit for that decision as possible
18 At this stage you will notice that no attempt has been made to count the words as it was not possible to use the macro record facility for this operation .
19 Using software tools now available , it is possible to use the same approach for ‘ documents ’ made up from multimedia ingredients .
20 In the extreme case it is possible to use the same file that created the page on a page printer and use it to generate true phototypeset quality results .
21 Although it is usual to use the regular church organist , there is no reason why you should not approach her and explain your situation .
22 Weak forms : ( before consonants ) ‘ Try to stop ’ ( before vowels ) ‘ Time to eat ’ In final position : ( It is not usual to use the strong form , and the pre-consonantal weak form is never used . )
23 If you are working on a twentieth-century subject , you may find it helpful to use the enormous amount of information available about events in the twentieth century , organised by year .
24 With bricks you must be sure to use the correct variety .
25 These bases can be contained within a conventional-style divan unit , but you must be sure to use the correct mattress — foam is ideal .
26 I understand the gearbox is designed to run at a temperature of 95°C , so would it not be prudent to use the heavier oil ?
27 Over half of adult Bolivians are unable to use the written word , with the rate for women being twice that for men .
28 McGrain , capped 62 times by Scotland and a member of the SFA 's Hall of Fame , was unable to use the free ticket given to him and the rest of that elite group for all Scotland 's matches .
29 If you have been fiddling with the boot files a lot anyway , you should have no bother with this , and will be able to use the in-built editor to make any changes you want .
30 Such a system is needed in order to be able to use the right-hand path in Figure 11.6 .
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