Example sentences of "[adj] support for the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Reports continued of tacit Iranian support for the Soviet Moslem republics [ see p. 38409 ] .
2 It is clear that in both Australia and New Zealand there is a continuing ferment arising from conflicting support for the old or the new .
3 The fact that several provincial towns reported pope-burnings in November 1714 and 1715 should make us question how extensive support for the Jacobite position was at this time .
4 On Feb. 27 the EC Commission agreed on its proposals for agricultural support for the 1991/92 EC agricultural year starting on April 1 .
5 In March 1986 a BBC monitor report told of demonstrations in Tehran by students and others , ostensibly Gulf Arab nationals , protesting against Kuwaiti and Saudi support for the Iraqi war effort .
6 He knew that a conspiracy ( exposed with the maximum publicity ) to murder the king and Parliament in one horrific holocaust would cause public opinion to recoil into solid support for the less than popular James I and himself .
7 The research examines the relationships between objective consumer conditions , mass perceptions of the economy and levels of political support for the major political parties
8 If Hoover 's decision to move a couple of hundred jobs from Dijon to Scotland was enough to provoke an uproar , imagine the corrosive effect on political support for the Single European Act of additional competitive devaluations .
9 If you change any of these keywords to provide an increased usage of LIFESPAN beyond that for which you are licensed ( ie. increase the number of nodes that can access LIFESPAN or increase the number of concurrent users ) , then you must contact SST Technical Support for the new LICENCEKEY entry .
10 By so doing he changed the very character of the conflict , for through the creation of a wider involvement in its success he tried to ensure that he , and his successors , would have broad support for the continued involvement of England and Englishmen in France .
11 It is quite clear that between 1935 and 1939 Nizan formulated a coherent and realistic communist political strategy centred , on the one hand , on unfailing support for the Soviet socialist state , the site of cultural enlightenment and material freedom , and the guardian of international peace and security , and on the other , on unequivocal opposition to the fascist states of Germany and Italy , the site of cultural barbarism and material oppression , and the harbingers of international war and instability .
12 The Democratic Convention of Romania ( DCR ) , a centre-right 18-party coalition , performed well in urban areas , while in rural areas there was strong support for the incumbent President , ex-communist Ion Iliescu , and for the Democratic National Salvation Front ( DNSF ) which nominated him .
13 Initially they were areas of strong support for the radical campesino organizations and the FMLN forces , but they have now expanded to cover over one-quarter of national territory .
14 Spokesman Ben Ord said doorstep canvassing had registered strong support for the Liberal Democrats .
15 The explosion destroyed a bar in an area known for its strong support for the Sacred Union .
16 Strong support for the Iranian position came from Algeria , Indonesia , Libya and Venezuela .
17 To widespread surprise there was strong support for the common market idea from West Germany .
18 Following the death of William the Silent in 1584 a majority of the councillors , with Burghley and Mildmay dissenting , urged direct support for the Dutch rebels .
19 Although SunSoft — indeed Sun as a whole — has given little or no ground on the issue of direct support for the Open Software Foundation 's Motif graphical user interface on its own Sparc systems , Watkins says the company is more than happy for third parties to supply it .
20 WorldView 2 adds improved support for the Standardised Generalised Mark-up Language , SMGL : the software has always been able to import SMGL documents but now it can export them too , and make use of the plethora of information that SMGL buries in a document .
21 The election results were generally felt to represent popular support for the economic reform policies of the Economy Minister Domingo Cavallo .
22 Thereafter , in 1970 , 74 and 79 , the governing party has been rejected without however any great surge of popular support for the alternative party , at least by the standards of earlier years .
23 It must be said , however , that despite the forfeiture of much active and committed support among the industrial working class and the intellectual left , popular support for the Labour Party , as registered by the opinion polls , had not collapsed by 1970 .
24 Throughout the 1930s the Conservative Party was the great beneficiary of the popular support for the National governments which were formed .
25 The government 's overture to the NPA was of particular significance , for it undermined consistent government claims that popular support for the 21-year guerrilla struggle was dwindling .
26 In the Soviet Union popular support for the manned space programme was dwindling at a time of great economic hardship and political uncertainty for the majority of the population .
27 When Hitler invaded Russia in June 1941 and the war , for communists , abruptly changed its character , there was at least the prospect — in principle at least — of enhanced support for the revolutionary and patriotic cause in Vietnam ; but until Russia had withstood the German onslaught this in practical terms meant nothing .
28 The size and range of the relief activities undertaken shows the strength of public support for the Spanish Republican government .
29 Public support for the General Strike was most evident in Cambridge where students and members of the University were openly supportive and where Pateman arranged a WEA class in public speaking .
30 Those accusations are always made by the same people who have all but destroyed public support for the local authority concept because of their blindness to the requirements of good financial management within local authorities .
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