Example sentences of "[adj] for the maintenance [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The cost of living in Britain is high and a single student grant is not adequate for the maintenance of a wife or husband .
2 Bequests of this nature were not uncommon for the maintenance of the light in other churches around Kent , including gifts of land , sheep , cows , corn and wax .
3 Nevertheless , large areas of the Palace remained very ill-lit ; servants who were responsible for the maintenance of the oil lamps , the only means of lighting the corridors and the small dark private staircases , were obliged to circulate day and night .
4 Even emotional stress can be a trigger to finely-tuned glands responsible for the maintenance of hormone levels .
5 His section was responsible for the maintenance of radio equipment fitted to the Washingtons .
6 The market administration is responsible for the maintenance of the building or site , rubbish collection , security and rents .
7 The Bar Council is responsible for the maintenance of professional standards and represents the general interests of the Bar in its relations with outsiders .
8 It is interesting to note in this example how the dependent churches were responsible for the maintenance of sections of the churchyard wall of the mother church ; similar examples exist elsewhere .
9 These men were responsible for the maintenance of places for which they acted and for ensuring that worship was conducted in accordance with the tenets of the bodies to which they belonged .
10 Wyre Borough is responsible for the maintenance of Scorton playing field and the upkeep of the play equipment and the seats and also for the maintenance of the War Memorial in the village .
11 It was recalled that when the Community Charge was introduced and differential rating for the rural areas of the borough ceased , to compensate the rural areas the Borough Council undertook to pay Parish Clerks ' salaries and to be responsible for the maintenance of playing fields .
12 ( subscription and computer officer ) is responsible for the maintenance of the Association 's computerised membership records and the production of subscription notices , hospitality labels and so on .
13 An English observer much involved in these problems complained of Russian diplomats in 1673 that " it is their Custome , to think , whatsoever they get , too little , and whatever they give , too much " , while in 1698 an embassy sent by the Emperor Leopold I to Moscow argued that in future , to avoid such disagreements , the tsar and the Holy Roman Emperor should each be responsible for the maintenance of their own embassies in the way now generally accepted in Europe .
14 Finally , again as mentioned above , a lessee sometimes holds a share in the management company responsible for the maintenance of the building and grounds , which is an advantage to him or her in giving him or her a say in these important matters .
15 With reproduction essential for the maintenance of the species , we can but assume that there is a basic biological drive to create .
16 Other important ingredients which we require to keep us functioning are the vitamins , most of which are essential components of enzymes ( the enzyme co-factors ) , and minerals and trace metals , some of which are structural , such as calcium for bones and teeth , but many of which are vital components of enzyme systems or are essential for the maintenance of the electrical charges on cell membranes .
17 The ability to alter body position is essential for the maintenance of normal body alignment .
18 Commercial considerations should not alone determine the future supply of legal services and the profession should retain only those rules which are ‘ essential for the maintenance of professional standards in the public interest ’ .
19 Many functionalists maintain that the order and stability they see as essential for the maintenance of the social system are largely provided by value consensus .
20 The ‘ V ’ tuft design is very efficient at cleaning in between teeth and is effective in the removal of plaque — essential for the maintenance of healthy gums and teeth .
21 Some of them are of great value in treating cancers , but mifepristone acts by blocking the hormone progesterone , which is essential for the maintenance of a pregnancy .
22 During talks in Bangkok on Oct. 12-13 between Soviet representatives and ministers and central bank governors of the Group of Seven ( G-7 ) industrialized countries ( delayed pending the eventual arrival of the Soviet team ) , a " strong endorsement " was given to the intention of the Soviet Union and the republics to " resolve certain fundamental issues essential for the maintenance of international creditworthiness and for ensuring their access to new credits " .
23 The Security Council took a position on the broader issue of Libyan sponsorship of " terrorist groups " , noting that the " suppression of acts of international terrorism … is essential for the maintenance of international peace and security " .
24 They are essential for the maintenance of the market 's liquidity .
25 The retail business , which is essential for the maintenance of adequate market liquidity , declined after the 1987 stock market crash .
26 Aid is now essential to Africa as any kind of external finance is essential : it is a means of paying for imports which would otherwise not be bought , about half of which are capital goods necessary for the maintenance of assets , badly depreciated after years of neglect .
27 It is thought that the platelet is necessary for the maintenance of normal vascular integrity in that patients with thrombocytopaenia show a generalised haemorrhagic tendency and bruising when the platelet count falls below about 5 × 10 9 /1 , spontaneous bruising and more severe bleeding being possible as the platelet count falls below 20 × 10 9 /1 .
28 Initial analysis of these mice revealed that TCR- β gene rearrangement or expression is necessary for the maintenance of normal thymocyte number and the DN to DP transition .
29 For it to be plausible , continual adaptation must be necessary for the maintenance of the life history , just as the Red Queen had to keep running to stay in the same place .
30 ‘ No expenditure of any kind is allowed for beyond that which is absolutely necessary for the maintenance of merely physical efficiency ’ .
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