Example sentences of "[adj] answer to [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Many European governments , such as France and the United Kingdom , failed either to provide adequate answers to the public 's urgent questions or to introduce precautionary measures quickly enough .
2 This meant providing informed answers to a number of questions .
3 All that we ask is that it provides public answers to the question most people in this country are asking .
4 LCCIEB Answer Packs will combine the Chief Examiner 's Report on candidates ' achievement with detailed answers to every question asked .
5 The text is based on ideas that have been developed through observations and trials in the classroom — they are offered in the spirit of exploration rather than in supplying definitive answers to the designer 's problems .
6 This is sometimes said of Buddhism , but it would be more accurate to say that the question of God 's existence is a debate within Buddhism itself , and that the different forms of Buddhism are partially the product of different answers to the question of God 's existence .
7 By using different ways to add up the forces on each star from the infinite number of other stars in the universe , one can get different answers to the question of whether the stars can remain at constant distances from each other .
8 For a start , there is a clear answer to the question of where thoughts and feelings take place , if not so fine an answer as we might like .
9 But we have seen enough to be able to frame a clear answer to the question formulated at the outset of this chapter .
10 As far as the actual word graphs output from a particular utterance , it is hard to give a clear answer to the question : what are the average number of choices on the word graph at any particular point ?
11 It may be that this explanation is not an acceptable answer to the question , but it is presented by the speaker in a form which conveys ‘ what I think we 're talking about ’ in this part of the conversation .
12 The first approach may produce an acceptable answer to the problem .
13 I would imagine that an adequate answer to a question could be done very easily with one side of that .
14 This is true , but on the other hand it must be said that to give the wrong answer to a problem is not necessarily to miss the point of it .
15 J. Percy Bruce chose for his equivalent ‘ law ’ , and so incorporated into the Neo-Confucian terminology itself the wrong answer to the question ‘ Are there laws of nature in China ? ’ , a misunderstanding which Joseph Needham in elucidating the concepts of Chinese science had to analyse at length .
16 Where this book mainly fails is in its implied answer to the question : what sort of science is to be grown ?
17 Although Poulantzas does not give a direct answer to the question ‘ How are we to know a pertinent effect when we encounter one ? ’ , he does discuss an historical example which may throw light on the matter .
18 In sum , there is no definitive answer to the question of how many senses there are : we have yet to discover all of our own , and even less do we know the full details of those enjoyed by some of the other members of the Animal Kingdom .
19 themselves admit that ‘ a definitive answer to the question of job techniques and job autonomy could be provided only by systematic and direct observation over a prolonged period of time ’ .
20 None can provide a definitive answer to the question of whom resources should be spent on .
21 Firstly , nobody , but nobody would want to levy charges until it was a last resort , but if the alternative to levying those charges were perhaps that we had to cut the staffing levels in those adult training centres , then you get a different answer to the question , and I had a meeting about four weeks ago with the heads of some of our centres who 've been asking parents and carers that question .
22 Whether the issue is education or health , pollution or overseas aid , one sees the same mishmash of self-righteous resentment , sentimentality and wishful thinking providing the same simple answers to every problem , without the slightest reference to the real world .
23 Because governments in the Middle East have a habit of declaring holy war at the drop of a hat , their people have learnt to give cautious answers to the call to arms .
24 It is a pleasure to speak in the debate , although it is a little depressing that some hon. Members should despair of finding any real answers to the problem .
25 If we think of natural and explicit answers to the question of what caused something , what we come to are items like the weight of a thing , or its colour , hardness , shape , nearness , transparency , weakness , speed , pitch , temperature , chemical constitution , positive charge , protein content , molecular structure , or spin .
26 All these advantages for the employer , together with the incapacity of isolated workers to mount opposition to exploitation , are the perfect answers to the call to streamline production .
27 If a fully systemic answer to the problem were to prevail , something very ambitious would be needed , for instance the positing of a World Spirit to guide human history , as Hegelians and Absolute Idealists have sometimes seemed to suggest .
28 This is an attractive argument which seems to provide an easy answer to the problem by disregarding it entirely .
29 I also Chairman have the easy answer to the control of pests .
30 ‘ This is the straight answer to the Wave brief , ’ says Henry .
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