Example sentences of "[adj] for the sake [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Anyone who heard some of the more extravagant pictures of apprenticeship painted by some of those at the original Edinburgh meeting , must feel slightly uneasy that the Association could turn into a Don Quixote tilting lances at imaginary windmills , pursuing ‘ causes ’ that are not a reality , and being antagonistic for the sake of it .
2 It 's a unique opportunity to do something really strong for the sake of the restoration of my citizenship , while at the same time by that of course I 'm doing something for the human rights of every single citizen in Czechoslovakia .
3 The point is , a ) that a really determined motorcyclist or moped rider will find a way onto a path no matter what barriers are put up , and b ) that it is not right that the cyclists , disabled walkers etc at whom the facility is aimed , should be disadvantaged for the sake of the minority of potential abusers .
4 The 7.5 per cent increase in duty on leaded petrol in the Budget was understandable , given that the aim was to encourage drivers to buy lead-free for the sake of the environment .
5 But this is not an attempt to be controversial for the sake of it .
6 In the days leading up to this fight to decide who would fight for the world title next year , Violet had been steeling herself to be tough and resilient for the sake of her son .
7 Using the wine has its dangers , because bits of pear may drift off , clouding the liquid , which must remain absolutely clear for the sake of the final éclat .
8 Despite the pain and the worry , Olivia knew she had to be brave for the sake of her six-year-old daughter Chloe , she told Hello ! magazine .
9 I think it is sad if you just want to be popular for the sake of it .
10 When people are attempting to be different for the sake of it , I find it incredibly irritating . ’
11 Pugin was not trying to be different for the sake of it ; his medieval revival was born from a genuine moral and religious fervour .
12 We have to think ourselves back into a social system and culture very different from our own if we are to respond , in the way P. C. Wren required , to the improbable events and exalted sentiments of the three Geste brothers who , to serve their adored aunt and their fraternal obligations , vanished into the Foreign Legion , taking upon themselves the imputation of having stolen the blue diamond which she had long ago sold and replaced by a fake for the sake of her extravagant husband .
13 He travelled around the County , staying at various homes where he was apparently always made welcome for the sake of his interesting tales and where he ‘ paid ’ for his keep by means of pencil sketches of his hosts .
14 September 1979 ) , in addition to our own discussions at that time with representatives of the lenders ; repeating the exercise seemed unduly costly for the sake of up-to-the minute figures .
15 He suffers from a ‘ sense of injured merit ’ , and like a spoiled child , sulking in the corner , he sulks in Hell and vows always to defy good for the sake of evil , in the vain hope of getting his own back .
16 Everyone knew that Diana and Charles had decided to stay married for the sake of their children , but were leading separate lives .
17 They have vowed to stay celibate for the sake of their careers .
18 It is very important for the sake of your own sanity .
19 Ken was constantly outrageous — ‘ but outrageous for the sake of being so , rather than deliberately trying to upset anyone . ’
20 It was kept cool for the sake of the product , and the décor itself was cool .
21 If the principle on which morality is based is referred to as ‘ acting for the sake of duty ’ ( Kant ) , then that would be a way of explaining the reason a man might have for acting morally .
22 Is it just for the sake of appearances because everyone else does ?
23 The Labour party in this county , values the role of small rural schools , but we are not prepared to see urban schools suffer to make sure that urb , rural schools are kept open for the sake of being kept open .
24 Like the glycerine running in rivers down Maxine 's cleavage , though , most of the desperation seems applied for the sake of surface effect rather than expressing emotional or philosophical truth .
25 One reason which can be given for this is the claim that a head is simply a functionary and that his or her views and judgements have to be variable for the sake of other people .
26 After Diaghilev 's death composers seemed reluctant to create what Edwin Evans said they called ‘ accompaniments to dance ’ , because they ‘ preferred to create the new for the sake of being new ’ .
27 They insisted that no one else was involved and vowed to stay close for the sake of their daughter Rose , four .
28 It must be remembered that these remarks apply only in the case of the small orchestra , in which string and wind doubling is rarely necessary for the sake of balance .
29 Apollon , la Nuit et Comus opens with ten movements which oscillate between G major and G minor for the sake of musical variety alone .
30 If so , he might well be frightened for the sake of his future ambitions .
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