Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [vb pp] around the " in BNC.

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1 In both cases , political programmes crystallized around the idea of rationalization , cost cutting and improved use of resources on the railways .
2 Blake 's eyes gradually focused on the indistinct objects positioned around the room .
3 They flashed signals more in hope than expectation of catching the submarine 's attention before dawn broke and the wind abated , giving them their first chance to force free fingers locked around the paddle handles in a muscle-spasm grip .
4 The horses that the count reared were also in evidence , some actually in the railed compounds dotted around the place , and beyond , towards the mountains , Maggie could see well-fenced fields with white and grey horses roaming peacefully .
5 His brave words echoed around the world after the IRA 's bomb in Enniskillen robbed him of his beloved daughter .
6 There are several old pubs sited around the centre of the town .
7 Using less glass than was originally planned , the Hanseatic Trade Centre — a mixed development of offices , shops , restaurants and an aparthotel — will be in traditional brick , with 50 year old trees planted around the office buildings .
8 Their light beams played around the interior .
9 I was two hours too early for dinner and so spent the interval in a cloud of steam with my wet clothes draped around the fire .
10 With these qualities , the Mughal gardens dotted around the subcontinent are as alien to the Indian environment as the Brighton Pavilion is to the English south coast , or the Chinese Pagoda to Kew .
11 There is also a strong nucleus of contemporary artists centred around the Art College of Madeira ( Instituto Superior de Artes Plasticas da Madeira — ISAPM ) which has students from Madeira and Portugal taking courses in art , sculpture , graphics and visual art .
12 We have five decentralized offices dotted around the City , which are all very well .
13 Throughout 1980 and 1981 debates about the riots in the media , in Parliament , and in various official reports hinged around the interrelationship between racial , law-and-order , and social factors .
14 The Post Office is only one of several fine Georgian buildings grouped around the square , dominated , at the southern end by the stone and slate Victorian Town Hall .
15 To assist in the development of the scheme and to ensure that the right equipment is available , the RYA have over twenty fleets of junior boards located around the country for hire to clubs or groups wishing to introduce children to the sport .
16 Coffee had been brought in a huge white porcelain pot and matching white cups arranged around the white-painted table that stood at the edge of a huge paved terrace overlooking the endless sparkling blue sea .
17 His wife , who had never left her place , waved as she left , but my greatest reward was in the last shadowy glimpse of the back seat where little arms twined around the dog , hugging him ecstatically , and in the cries , thankful and joyous , fading into the night .
18 The figures for the breeder stations alone would have meant about 250 large reactors dotted around the British Isles .
19 But the great national hopes built around the figure of Hitler were now falling in ruins ; fewer and fewer looked to a future under his leadership .
20 St Hilary Churchtown is a small cluster of old , grey-green houses built around the church at a kink in a tree-lined lane .
21 There are also some decorative arts scattered around the museum , and one wishes there were more .
22 Eerie sounds echoed around the passageways .
23 For McGregor , as for Pym , the major changes centred around the family system which prescribed the conditions for sexual relationships , changes which resulted in loosened bonds of matrimony , increased choice and reduced frustration and suffering .
24 There might also be quite a number of very much smaller black holes scattered around the universe , formed not by the collapse of stars but by the collapse of highly compressed regions in the hot , dense medium that is believed to have existed shortly after the big bang in which the universe originated .
25 We used copper electrodes wound around the probe in 0.5 mm wide grooves to ensure a smooth surface .
26 It would cost a fortune to see the work of the great masters spread around the art galleries of the World .
27 He also made it clear that he was against black boycotts organized around the 1968 Olympic Games in Mexico , at which Thommie Smith and John Carlos demonstrated on the victory rostrum with a gloved black power salute .
28 Euroactividade , creators of the exclusive Carvoeiro Clube , offers homes of elegance and style on luxury developments located around the picturesque fishing village of Praia do Carvoeiro and on the Parque da Floresta Golfe & Country Clube on the Western Algarve .
29 Mr. Malone pointed to the number of countries likely to gain nuclear arms in the next ten years , and reminded the audience that there were still 27,000 nuclear warheads distributed around the remnants of the Soviet Union .
30 The simultaneous explosions echoed around the metal chamber .
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