Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] set [adv prt] in " in BNC.

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1 The Labour Party was developing from the federation of industrial and political organizations set up in 1900 .
2 It was also decided that political parties set up in the future should only be granted " observer " status .
3 As Armstrong was riding homewards along the river bank at the end of the session , a group of English horsemen set off in pursuit , captured him , and bore him off to imprisonment in Carlisle castle .
4 In conclusion , tutors are again reminded of their great responsibilities for achieving the high aims set out in the first paragraph .
5 The constitution is not seen in the rosy terms set down in Chapter 1 , but neither is democracy seen in the new gloomy terms set down in Chapters 2 and 3 .
6 In 1829 Elie de Beaumont put forward the idea that the Earth is contracting and argued that compressional stresses set up in the crust as a result of the cooling of the Earth 's interior would give rise to faulting , folding and thickening of the crust , and eventually to the formation of mountain ranges .
7 There are any number of sensible diets set out in paperbacks or reputable magazine supplements , many of them suggesting specimen meals for a week or a month .
8 Much of the committee 's and the JMU 's perception of the profession to date has been derived from early visits set up in response to doubts created by registration information and by JMU visits in response to complaints .
9 The constitution is not seen in the rosy terms set down in Chapter 1 , but neither is democracy seen in the new gloomy terms set down in Chapters 2 and 3 .
10 The Court of Appeal may not overrule a House of Lords decision : and only in the exceptional circumstances set out in the Practice Statement of July 1 , 1966 ( Practice Statement ( judicial Precedent ) [ 1966 ] 1 WLR 1234 ) , will this House refuse to follow its own previous decisions .
11 The basic principles set out in this Code will apply whether or not the lending in question is secured .
12 The later development of the hierarchy , a development which continued down to the eighteenth century , was essentially no more than an elaboration of the basic principles set out in the Kanunname .
13 On receiving a petition it is the function of the Commission to ascertain the facts and seek to bring about a friendly settlement of the matter on the basis of respect for the human rights set out in the Convention ( Art.28 ) .
14 One way of attempting to assess the situation is to look at the list of unfair terms set out in the annex to the Directive , and decide the extent to which English law will already control such clauses .
15 These principles expand upon the basic standards set down in the rules of Conduct and indicate the standards which members should seek to achieve in the interests of good practice .
16 It also recommends that the future development of general SVQs should be guided by the broad principles set out in the Howie report .
17 Before making a decision it must apply the fundamental principles set out in s1 of the Act .
18 The details in 1 , 2 and 3 above should be read in conjunction with the full requirements set out in the Members ' Handbook .
19 However , the Court found that , as was stated in the recitals to the regulation , the definition of value and the interpretative notes set out in the 1590 Convention had been embodied into the legislation of the Member States in different ways , and also certain optional provisions of the interpretative notes were being applied differently in different Member States .
20 If the M&A network is to be used the agreed procedures set out in the handbook should be observed .
21 Note the support and educational measures intended to increase compliance with the Written Professional Standards set out in paragraph 71 above .
22 Our work should be carried out in accordance with the general technical standards set out in the Corporate Finance Manual and summarized in Chapter 02 of this guide .
23 But when diminishing marginal returns set in in 1983-4 , further increases in duty deterred consumption leading to falling sales and eventually lower tax revenue for the Treasury .
24 And so , in the early years of the nineteenth century American sailors set out in contest , the seaward extension of those landlubbers who , to use John L. O'Sullivan 's famous phrase of 1845 , sought their ‘ manifest destiny ’ on land by expanding ever westward , to the very edge of the continental United States .
25 Britain had sunk vast capital sums into the military installations set up in the Suez Canal Zone and at Alexandria to serve the British campaigns in the Mediterranean during the Second World War .
26 The second category of market counterparty consists of persons falling within the list of excluded categories set out in the COB Rules .
27 It should be noted that this definition of " residence " applies throughout the taxing code including the provisions in TA 1988 , ss739 and 740 although there are some transitional provisions set out in s110 .
28 Many ex-army tradeswomen set up in the brewing trade , opening licensed houses where they could .
29 Article 11 can hardly be said , therefore , to ‘ weaken ’ the Convention it allows States who wish to be more generous to a claimant than the minimum standards set out in the earlier articles to do so , but not for more than minimum standards to be imposed by a requesting State on a requested State .
30 The figures quoted in these illustration comply with the rates of return and other factors set out in the Lautro bases , the higher illustration representing a future rate of return of 10.5% per annum and the lower illustration representing a future rate of return of 7% per annum .
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