Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] so long as " in BNC.

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1 The Netherlands allows the centre to carry on supporting , preparatory or auxiliary activities , which is more flexible , at least in principle , and the centre can take on commercial risks so long as an increased mark-up is agreed .
2 The hands and feet can be turned into deadly weapons capable of withstanding injury when they are applied to inanimate objects such as bricks and wooden boards so long as the practitioner approaches the matter with the right psychological outlook .
3 We need to be innovative and extrovert , looking to the future and the continued enhancement of the Institute and I think we will always be enriched by the direct entrants so long as these continue to be strictly monitored .
4 It would follow that journalists writing for American publications have considerably more latitude in criticising public figures so long as their articles are not reprinted in Britain .
5 Hence there is likely thereafter to be some saving of paper in future years so long as most members do not also demand copies of the full accounts under section 239 .
6 Christians must have difficulty in using the bible to speak to contemporary issues so long as this belief persists .
7 In fact , you can choose any level of regular or monthly savings so long as they do n't exceed the maximum savings allowed .
8 Most of them arose as a result of an all-Russian phenomenon in 1922 — the lack of co-ordination and exchange of information between the centre and the localities , together with nonchalant neglect of provincial problems so long as they did not affect central political issues .
9 Of course , this does not rule out the use of naturalistic facts so long as an objective notion of validity is employed — the validity of inductive inference could turn on features of the context in which it is carried out , or the perceptual apparatus of the reasoner .
10 They were even willing to occupy pre-moulded nests so long as they could carry out their normal movements before laying .
11 the Crown is not bound to take the advice of a particular Ministry to put its subjects to the tumult and turmoil of a series of general elections so long as it can find other Ministers who are prepared to give it a trial .
12 ( p93 ) It would appear that as long as the buyer communicates the purpose for which the goods are required , he does not have to specify all of the particular applications so long as they fall within the scope of normal purpose .
13 This scheme provided for a mixed system of public and private pensions , with many of the better paid and more secure groups of workers able to ‘ contract out ’ into private schemes so long as they were at least as good as the State Earnings Related Pensions Scheme ( SERPS ) .
14 In most subsequent cases , it became clear that considerations of comity would not prevail against the usual procedures of the Federal Rules so long as deponents or documents were to be produced within the United States , from whatever source .
15 At 2250 hrs that evening Eighth Army confirmed in a signal to 5 Corps that they were to act in accordance with AFHQ 's ruling that they could hand over all the anti-Tito Yugoslavs so long as this did not involve use of force .
16 Hence section 252 provides that a private company ( whether or not small or medium-sized ) may elect ( by elective resolution in accordance with section 379A ) to dispense with the laying of accounts , and this dispensation applies in respect of the financial year in which the election is made and to subsequent financial years so long as it remains in force .
17 The tsar had good reason to listen to the advice of his financial experts , for not only were his finances in a desperate state but also he could not easily borrow on western markets so long as the empire 's accounting procedures remained inadequate .
18 It is clear then that the DUP will receive the votes of the working-class loyalists so long as it retains an image of being more unionist than the Officials , unless there should be an alternative to the right of the DUP .
19 The mills of that day had no difficulty in absorbing illiterate , unskilled workers so long as they were able and willing to submit to discipline . ’
20 This philosophy produced strong and excellent aeroplanes so long as one was quite sure which members were in tension and which in compression , for , though a strut could at a pinch take tension , a wire could not take compression .
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