Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] rate [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ( 3 ) Research and/or describe type and purchase patterns of consumers showing heavy , medium and light/casual purchase rates of bread and cakes , relative to item ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) above .
2 The estimated parenteral exposure rate for urology was 0 per 1000 operating hours by comparison with 13 per 1000 operating hours for gynaecology , plastic , or orthopaedic surgery .
3 We have shown that ulcerative colitis patients have a very high carriage rate of sulphate reducing bacteria and raised sulphide values in faeces .
4 Although data relating to the seasonal distribution of runoff are limited , there are indications that post-drought recharge rates of forest soils are reduced and that more rapid flood response is characteristic of all stages of the rotation cycle when compared with non-afforested catchments ( Binns 1986 ) .
5 The British authorities argued at the time that the way to tackle this problem of falling competitiveness , far from being to allow the pound to devalue , was to maintain a rigid exchange rate for sterling and so through the resulting high interest rates and tight money ‘ to squeeze inflation out of the system ’ .
6 By comparing the labour supply data of different groups facing different tax rates over time , it is possible to build statistical models that include a measure of labour supply response .
7 This cash-and-carry transaction which operates for 90 days from 1 April to 30 June generates a rate of return or implied repo rate of return or implied repo rate of .
8 There were , however , many rural societies and branches of larger societies , whose members were agricultural labourers , who often had the advantage of regular if not of high wages ; and the high fall-out rate of membership of most societies testifies to the numbers who aspired to the security provided by membership but could not maintain regular payments .
9 In this light , the high failure rate of leave applications would not be as surprising as it first seems .
10 Indeed , it has recently been suggested that an absence from the colon of certain of these enzymes , especially specific forms of cytochrome P450 , may be involved in the comparatively high incidence rate of carcinogenesis in this organ .
11 Accident and school roll data have been analysed to identify those schools which have high casualty rates per head of school roll .
12 In comparing mean daily prevalence rates of morbidity between vitamin A and placebo groups in the Health Study , separate daily prevalence rates were calculated for each child for each of the intervals between dosing points .
13 However , in the majority of studies a high prevalence rate of hypercholesterolaemia has been found ( New et al , 1963 ; Wilson et al , 1970b ; Chase & Glasgow , 1976 ; Mancini et al , 1980 ; Sosenko et al , 1980 ; Yano et al , 1982 ; Pacy et al , 1985 ) .
14 This fall is largely because of the high growth rates of GDP in the mid-to late 1980s .
15 Many governments , most prominent among which was the former Conservative government of Mrs Margaret Thatcher , accepted the logic of the above argument and were thereby persuaded to swallow the bitter pill of demand deflation and abnormally high unemployment rates in exchange for the boon of a sustained fall in the rate of inflation .
16 Thus , it would be reasonable to expect that populations with a high mortality rate from coronary heart disease would also exhibit a high mortality rate for colon cancer .
17 They are far easier to transport than Turbo Snails , the popular imported snail for algae control , which has a high mortality rate in transit , sometimes up to 80% dying before reaching their destination .
18 Stomach ulcers and other digestive disorders are rife and there is a high mortality rate amongst veal calves despite their brief lifetime .
19 Figure 4 c shows that relatively high mortality rates of adult males , coupled with relatively low values of b , favour production of small or dwarf males .
20 European Brown Hare Syndrome ( EBHS ) , which yellows the arteries and causes liver damage , was first identified in 1986 by wildlife pathologists in Germany , after abnormally high mortality rates in hare populations .
21 The present and other results suggest that there is a linear increase in cumulative recurrence rates with time ( about 10–15% per annum ) until the plateau is reached .
22 The authors conclude that additional genetic or environmental factors are likely to be necessary for the development of type II diabetes , consistent with the very high concordance rate for type II diabetes observed in monozygotic twins .
23 In 1968 , Price reported that the 97 identical and 119 fraternal twin pairs studied up to that date had shown substantially different concordance rates for depression ( 68 per cent and 23 per cent ) .
24 Importantly , the difference in concordance rates could not be accounted for by the different concordance rates for alcoholism alone .
25 This included taking a sample from each section of files to identify the type and quantity of file contents and the level of time-expired material , and also analysing daily activity rates for file creation , up-dating , movements in and out , weeding/culling and file transfer or destruction .
26 The report drew particular attention to the need for a reduction in German interest rates to Japanese and US levels to permit a general cut in rates throughout Europe , and to ease tensions within the European exchange rate mechanism ( ERM ) .
27 The figure shows that the cumulative pregnancy rate by insemination cycle for women with waist-hip ratios <0.80 ( pear shape ) was significantly higher than for women with ratios >=50.80; ( apple shape ) ( p=0.008 ) .
28 For instance , the Scottish death rate from lung cancer is at least twice that in countries like Eire and Iceland with a similar genetic background but lower tobacco consumption .
29 There were also high drop-out rates from postgraduate study , with disillusioned academics applying for employment at the foreign hotels as waiters , porters and chambermaids .
30 The Government is desperate to stem the high drop-out rates from college courses and create a workforce that will make Britain more competitive .
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