Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [to-vb] the effect " in BNC.

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1 Surgeons at Belfast 's Royal Victoria Hospital have had ample opportunity to study the effect of these projectiles .
2 Wickham ( in press ) , in a study of teachers and children in the UK , shows the same problem of the ‘ drop-out ’ of information in teachers ' use of simultaneous communication , Maxwell ( 1983 ) , in a direct attempt to examine the effect of simultaneous communication using MCE on deaf children 's writing , produces the results one might predict from the above and from our preceding discussion of BSL .
3 This makes difficult the maintenance of a uniform high quality within the textile works and may necessitate careful watch on the raw water to anticipate the effect of changes in composition .
4 Twenty nine children with Crohn 's disease were studied before and after treatment with steroids or an elemental diet to assess the effect of disease activity and treatment on serum insulin like growth factor I ( IGF-I ) , insulin like growth factor binding protein ( IGFBP-1 ) , and insulin concentrations .
5 It needs no great imagination to gauge the effect of all this upon the church 's pastoral mission , particularly when we bear in mind the numbers of royal presentations cited above .
6 Increase the size of your Goblin units if you have to , even drop the number of units to a bare minimum to counteract the effect .
7 We have found an effective way to show the effect of different choices is to split the class into groups working with different bases eg. some using FIFO and some using average cost .
8 The display on consumption utilises the age-old trick of piling up an adult 's average monthly intake of food ( enormous amounts of chocolate ) and invites the visitor to burn off excess calories on an ‘ Energy Bike ’ ( it does , of course , take a depressingly long time to nullify the effect of just one grape ) .
9 Is there any contractual increase to reduce the effect of inflation ?
10 Wrap your hair in a hot towel to maximise the effect .
11 He had lived in the caravan now for just over two years , supported by a research grant from his northern university to study the effect of the Industrial Revolution on the rural industries of East Anglia .
12 Uematsu paints small squares of uniform colour , traversed by a single line to achieve the effect of vibration .
13 If one syllable of our ‘ nonsense word ’ is said with a pitch that is noticeably different from that of the others , this will have a strong tendency to produce the effect of prominence .
14 In this study , there was no objective assessment made by endoscopy or any other procedure to record the effect of surgery in terms of healing or otherwise of the oesophagitis .
15 It took several layers of slightly thinned fold acrylic paint to get the effect I wanted , then , as the final touch , I worked over the parts I have previously painted red , now visible only as a dull tonal value within the fold , using well thinned films of the different pearlescent colours .
16 The balance had a triangular frame to reduce the effect of gradients in the gravitational field .
17 ‘ The greens have dared to move much nearer to blue than I ever let her go , I put my signature through that blue patch to diminish the effect . ’
18 You do n't need special equipment to hear the effect , so it should provide the same sensaround sound on your crappy hi fi as it would on an expensive job .
19 You do n't need special equipment to hear the effect , so it should provide the same sensaround sound on your crappy hi fi as it would on an expensive job .
20 They are in an excellent position to judge the effect it will have on customers , many of them the least advantaged in our community .
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