Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [vb -s] [adv] far " in BNC.

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1 British Rail has so far totally failed to do so .
2 She is launching herself into Europe with at least as much conviction as any other British businessperson has so far shown .
3 The truth is that the East German leadership has so far shown all too few signs of wanting to change .
4 Speaking earlier at the Asian Institute of Technology , WWF President Prince Philip said : " Thailand ratified the Convention in 1963 , but I 'm sorry to have to say that no enabling legislation has so far been enacted " .
5 And of the party in the Fifties : ‘ the Great Debate in British socialism has so far consisted in one side talking nonsense and the other side keeping mum . ’
6 Ludwig is also the Emperor 's bodyguard and his mere presence has so far proven enough to discourage any attempts on the Emperor 's life .
7 Perhaps this was because Galileo had claimed of heat that its ‘ generally accepted notion comes very far from the truth … inasmuch as it is supposed to be a true accident , affection , and quality really residing in the thing which we perceive to be heated . ’
8 The relevance of such multiple sensory realities to conventional evolutionary theory has so far remained unconsidered .
9 Such a double-fisted attack has so far posed no extraordinary problems for librarians , but a series of events over the last few years illustrates that the issue of the law and censorship could become a major problem in the management of libraries .
10 Midori Suzuki , spokesperson for FCT , reported that the Japanese public has so far been denied access to cable TV ( CATV ) , but she outlined some possibilities for access in the future .
11 We make intuitive assumptions based on the information we can see , and our brains compare the shape with what we have seen before , information stored in vast memory banks that far exceed the RAM capacity of even the best endowed PC .
12 Economic reform has so far meant that Poles can gaze in wonderment at now well-stocked meat stalls they have no money to buy from .
13 The Left Coalition has so far ruled out linking up with the conservatives again — the improbable alliance of last June has been blamed for much of their drop in support — but has already hinted that it would be willing to support a national unity government as proposed by the New Democrat leader Mr Constantine Mitsotakis .
14 Our starting point for analysing structure happens to have been with an exercise , the form of drama popularised by Brian Way , and yet little attempt has so far been made by him or by anyone else to show how these apparently slight adjustments within the structure of the exercise can seriously affect the outcome .
15 it is clear that the machinery of representative parliamentary democracy has so far proved unsuitable as the mechanism for translating personal preferences into day-to-day practice .
16 However , his search for alternative employment has so far met with no success .
17 Difference bands behave exactly like the corresponding combination bands as far as symmetry selection rules , band contours and polarization are concerned .
18 But the European Commission has so far shown no signs of stopping or even slowing down the HDMAC development programme .
19 The next definition , which we formulate from a desire to get at the fundamental building blocks as far as multiplication in Z is concerned , is intentionally unconventional , introducing , as it does , a familiar concept in an unfamiliar way .
20 Medical opinion has so far been divided on the precise relationship of nicotine to such conditions as cardiovascular disease and oral cancer , with many experts considering tar and carbon monoxide to be the most toxic substances in tobacco .
21 Research on the development of various types of psychiatric disorder has so far suggested that close relationships tend to play the most crucial role in increasing or decreasing vulnerability .
22 Does n't he care that nuclear energy has so far saved the world from burning five hundred million tons of coal ?
23 Little systematic research has so far been undertaken into the relationship between subject studied and success for non-traditionally qualified students .
24 In Britain only a small start has so far been made .
25 While not denying the clinical value of the EEG as a non-invasive technique it is probably fair to conclude that electro-physiological research has so far not contributed anything new to our knowledge of cerebral asymmetry but rather has corroborated findings from other areas of investigation .
26 Of the 24,170 posts in England , the northern region has so far received about 2,500 , including 855 with the Inland Revenue in Sunderland , Middlesbrough and Washington and 1,205 posts in a number of departments in Newcastle .
27 The most arresting libertarian thesis holds that far from constituting the vanguard of the proletariat , as it claimed , the party had from the start represented an entirely different class , that of ‘ intellectual workers ’ .
28 Ultraviolet astronomy has so far been dominated by satellites that collect spectra of stars and quasars .
29 The role of general practitioners in the assessment of deliberate self-poisoning has so far received very little attention .
30 Perhaps it is because , though we can consciously trace the outline of the fear , it 68 CREATIVE WRITING reaches so far into the hidden recesses of our minds that we can not control the involuntary response .
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