Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [verb] so far " in BNC.

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1 British Rail has so far totally failed to do so .
2 She is launching herself into Europe with at least as much conviction as any other British businessperson has so far shown .
3 All the scientific evidence collected so far suggests that biotechnology is really very safe .
4 The truth is that the East German leadership has so far shown all too few signs of wanting to change .
5 Speaking earlier at the Asian Institute of Technology , WWF President Prince Philip said : " Thailand ratified the Convention in 1963 , but I 'm sorry to have to say that no enabling legislation has so far been enacted " .
6 There can be little doubt that this reflects the very high unemployment experienced so far and the resultant weakened state of the union movement and of labour generally .
7 And of the party in the Fifties : ‘ the Great Debate in British socialism has so far consisted in one side talking nonsense and the other side keeping mum . ’
8 Ludwig is also the Emperor 's bodyguard and his mere presence has so far proven enough to discourage any attempts on the Emperor 's life .
9 The relevance of such multiple sensory realities to conventional evolutionary theory has so far remained unconsidered .
10 One explanation for the cautious approach adopted so far is the resistance that is encountered whenever attempts are made to curb the discretion of the judiciary , as we shall see in the next section .
11 Such a double-fisted attack has so far posed no extraordinary problems for librarians , but a series of events over the last few years illustrates that the issue of the law and censorship could become a major problem in the management of libraries .
12 Midori Suzuki , spokesperson for FCT , reported that the Japanese public has so far been denied access to cable TV ( CATV ) , but she outlined some possibilities for access in the future .
13 Economic reform has so far meant that Poles can gaze in wonderment at now well-stocked meat stalls they have no money to buy from .
14 The Left Coalition has so far ruled out linking up with the conservatives again — the improbable alliance of last June has been blamed for much of their drop in support — but has already hinted that it would be willing to support a national unity government as proposed by the New Democrat leader Mr Constantine Mitsotakis .
15 Our starting point for analysing structure happens to have been with an exercise , the form of drama popularised by Brian Way , and yet little attempt has so far been made by him or by anyone else to show how these apparently slight adjustments within the structure of the exercise can seriously affect the outcome .
16 Members of the radical Inter-regional group went so far as to table a motion of no confidence in the government , but a vote on whether to consider this motion was heavily defeated on May 29 .
17 it is clear that the machinery of representative parliamentary democracy has so far proved unsuitable as the mechanism for translating personal preferences into day-to-day practice .
18 The UNHCR noted that the international community had so far provided only US$31,000,000 of the US$180,000,000 needed for the refugees ' repatriation .
19 He also owes between £300,000 and £400,000 for legal advice received so far .
20 However , his search for alternative employment has so far met with no success .
21 Thus they carry a specification of what kind of inactive edge they will become on completion , what kinds of lower level inactive edges they require in order to become complete , and just which inactive edges constitute the partial analysis derived so far .
22 I saw that Exhibition , and did find it a great treat to see so far north some of the choice gems of painting from South Kensington .
23 But it is clear we need to improve some aspects of our operations management if we are to increase profitability and capitalise on the good reputation achieved so far .
24 But the European Commission has so far shown no signs of stopping or even slowing down the HDMAC development programme .
25 Only the chemicals and pharmaceutical industry have so far shown any signs of responding to the competitive advantage created by the devaluation of sterling last September .
26 Medical opinion has so far been divided on the precise relationship of nicotine to such conditions as cardiovascular disease and oral cancer , with many experts considering tar and carbon monoxide to be the most toxic substances in tobacco .
27 The Chinese room had so far not been touched by Sara or her decorators .
28 2.45:BY far and away the most competitive juvenile race run so far this term , and I fancy in-form Flat handicapper ROBINGO to make a winning debut over hurdles for Martin Pipe .
29 Research on the development of various types of psychiatric disorder has so far suggested that close relationships tend to play the most crucial role in increasing or decreasing vulnerability .
30 From a medical viewpoint , the outline of viral infection given so far presents much too simple a picture .
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